Coverage of the 'domestic terrorism' bill

Hello friends, 


We are writing to share some great reporting that has come out in the past week about House Bill 2772, the dangerous and controversial ‘domestic terrorism’ bill that is making its way through the Oregon Legislature. The bill would significantly impact the right to protest and would likely be used to target already over-policed communities, including Black, Indigenous, and other Oregonians of color.


“It takes a fanciful view of law enforcement, however, to imagine that any such law is resistant to misuse against climate activists and Black liberationists. Like all domestic terrorism laws on the books in the U.S., Oregon's proposed legislation is both unnecessary and potentially dangerous,” writes Natasha Lennard in this piece from The Intercept.


Naveena Sadasivam at Grist spoke with our friend and partner Sarah Alvarez at the Civil Liberties Defense Center about the connection between this legislation and what has been happening in Atlanta with activists in the Stop Cop City movement. Sarah explains: “There was a stated reason for why the [Georgia] law was passed — to target mass shootings. Now it’s being twisted to apply to environmental protesters who haven’t harmed anyone. That is the concern that I have when I look at the Oregon bill.”


This bill has grave implications for our work and the work of our partners here in Oregon by equating protest and direct action with domestic terrorism. We hope you’ll take the time to read these stories, and take action now to tell Oregon legislators to oppose HB 2772. You can do so by writing a message directly to these elected officials here. It only takes a few minutes.


In Solidarity,

The Breach Team



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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