John, after over a week of being silenced on the House floor, Rep. Zooey Zephyr is facing possible expulsion for advocating for her constituents. [1]
Over 15,000 Common Cause members have already signed on to support her – will you join them in demanding the Montana legislature vote NO on censure or expulsion?
Amid nationwide legislative attacks on transgender people, far-right partisans controlling the Montana House have refused to recognize Zephyr – the only trans woman in the Montana House – since April 18th, when she spoke out against an anti-trans bill.
Now, Zephyr is facing a disciplinary vote from extremists who claim that her choice to stand in the House floor with her microphone raised in solidarity with protestors was equivalent to “encouraging an insurrection.” [2]
That’s absurd. Let’s call this injustice what it is – a blatant, transphobic effort by authoritarian politicians to overrule voters and stifle dissent.
We must protect the sacred right of peaceful protest and the right of the voters, not legislative leaders, to determine who represents them. If you agree, can you urge the Montana legislature to VOTE NO on expulsion or censure today? >>>
Representative democracy means we get to choose our own leaders. But right now, Rep. Zephyr’s 11,000 constituents are being robbed of their representation in the state House.
And it’s not just Montana.
At the beginning of this month, two Black representatives in Tennessee were expelled for speaking out for gun safety laws. Meanwhile, their white colleague who did the same was allowed to remain in office.
Silencing Zephyr is yet another example of democratically elected lawmakers from underrepresented communities being denied their rightful seat at the table – and harshly, unfairly punished for representing themselves and the very people who voted for them.
It’s an attack on truly reflective, equitable, and representative democracy – and it has to end now.
Expelling legislators for doing what they were sent to do – speak up for what their constituents care about – is everything we fight against.
Our elected officials MUST be allowed to represent us – and participate in the debate and legislative processes that come with their office.
Join me in calling on the Montana legislature to do what’s right and allow Rep. Zephyr to continue representing the voters who elected her.
Thanks for all you do,
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Program
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Rep. Zephyr will have a chance to speak during the hearing today at 1pm local time. Tune into the House Floor session online to let the Montana legislature know the nation is watching -- and we're ready to hold them accountable for their decisions today.