We’re bringing your attention to a growing concern that is affecting our election system…
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Fellow conservative, we’re bringing your attention to a growing concern affecting our election system: ranked-choice voting.

Ranked-choice voting is a flawed election scheme pushed by Left-wing mega-donors and political operatives seeking more influence and control over our nation's elections. 

At Heritage Action, we believe it should be “easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

But ranked-choice voting makes it “hard to vote and easy to cheat.” In multiple states where it has been tried, ranked-choice voting has decreased voter turnout!

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Heritage Action is already working in states across the country to stop this voting scheme from being implemented further. 

That's why I am asking you to join us and add your name to the growing list of concerned Americans who are standing up against this flawed system.

Together, we can work to preserve the integrity of our elections and ensure that the voices of the people are fairly heard. Please add your name today to help us stop ranked-choice voting >>>

Thank you,

Jessica Anderson

Executive Director | Heritage Action

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Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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