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Did you know that Chris was named a national co-chair of President Biden's re-election campaign, John?

Chris knows that re-electing Joe Biden is crucial to sustaining our democracy and keeping the momentum of progress going. He is more than ready to roll up his sleeves and deliver another win for the American people in 2024.

Will you join Chris and help President Biden keep the White House in 2024? Split a donation between President Biden's and Chris's campaigns today >>

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From: Chris Coons
Date: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023
Subject: BREAKING: President Biden is running for re-election!

It's official, team!

My friend, President Joe Biden, is running for re-election, and I hope you will join me to show him support as he seeks a second term in the White House. If you're ready to re-elect Joe Biden in 2024, split a donation between our campaigns today >>


Chris and Joe

In the years I've known him, Joe has been an excellent mentor, a dear friend, and a great example of what a leader should be. I've always known that if he were to be elected president, he would make history and fight for all Americans.

In just his first term, President Biden has shown the American people the power of steady leadership, and he's put our nation on stronger footing at home and abroad.

He’s made great progress and kept key campaign promises by passing historic legislation like the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act.

There's still much more to do to find solutions for today's most important issues, from immigration and gun violence to mental health and the continued fight against climate change, and I know that Joe is the leader we need to find them.

Joe is the president for this moment, and I'm ready to get to work making sure he wins a second presidential term. Will you join me in showing Joe your support by splitting a contribution between our campaigns?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for being on this team,



Please follow our campaign on Twitter , Facebook , and Instagram .

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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware

Chris Coons for Delaware
P.O. Box 9900
Newark, DE 19714
United States