Folks, if half of Congress didn't believe in gravity, I still wouldn't advocate for jumping off of buildings.
The GOP has abandoned any semblance of allegiance to truth. Now, it’s too easy to frame those who accept the reality of everything from gun violence to the climate crisis as some kind of left-wing extremist.
Don't accept their frame. Physics isn’t partisan, even if accepting it is. Democracy isn’t partisan, even if liking it is.
Because as a friend once told me, the only thing that matters in the end is if our children are proud of us.
And if we neglect to protect kids from mass shootings in schools, let our planet become uninhabitable, and enable the hollowing-out of our democratic system, they won’t accept our excuses that we did only what was “politically possible.”
Because real leadership isn’t rubber-stamping whatever’s popular. It’s using your platform to make the right thing popular.
We can’t afford to let procedural constraints or Republican cowardice get in the way of doing what’s right. If you’re ready for action on climate change, gun safety, strengthening democracy, healthcare, and more, chip in to support this fight in Washington.
The painful truth is that GOP extremism has left no room for moderate positions and slow change.
You’re either with us in the fight to secure our democracy and ensure a habitable planet for generations to come, or you’re in the way.
Thank you for taking a stand,
Sean Casten