Screenshot 2023-04-26 085641

Trump-DeSantis Ticket?

The New York Post released an article claiming that President Trump is "listening" to insiders about choosing Ron DeSantis to be his running mate in 2024.

This has sparked a ton of speculation among Conservatives.

However, Roger Stone has clearly pointed out that this WILL NOT HAPPEN.

First, according to Mr. Stone, a Trump-DeSantis ticket would be, "a violation of the Electoral College Rules which effectively (if not actually) prohibit the selection of two people who are legal residents of the same state (lest they forfeit that state's Electoral College votes if they carry the state)."

Second, Ron DeSantis has shown his disloyalty to the MAGA movement and President Trump by running a shadow Presidential campaign on the dime of Florida taxpayers. His close ties to the Bush's, Paul Ryan and Karl Rove should be alarming as well.

America deserves a much better candidate for VP than DeSantis. I am confident that President Trump will choose the right person for the job when he is elected for the third time in 2024.

God Bless America

Thank you,
Jackson Lahmeyer

Follow me on TruthSocial, GAB, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, GETTR & YouTube).


God Did What God Does...

This WKND at Sheridan.Church OKC & Tulsa, the Power of God became tangible and as a result we saw incredible breakthroughs during the altar calls.

I want to share with you the message that I preached, and I know that just as it had an impact at all 3 of our WKND services, it will have a positive impact on you!

Watch Acts Pt. 2 - The Power Of Being:

-Subscribe to Sheridan.Church's YouTube page:

If you missed Acts Pt. 1, you can watch it here:

This message is a foundational message to understand the Book of Acts.

We look forward to seeing you this WKND and be sure to invite someone to church!


Message From Mike Lindell

I have been fortunate to develop many great relationships with great America First leaders such as Mike Lindell.

It is very important that we continue to support Mike Lindell in this battle. His business, MyPillow, has been cancelled by all the big box stores and now his bank because of his boldness about the 2020 election and it's up to us to make the decision to not FUND Deep State Companies but to FUND America First Companies such as MyPillow.

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