Hi there,
I am writing today to say thank you.
My team just shared our final numbers for January with me and, thanks to supporters like you, last month was stellar.
That hard work directly translates into more campaign offices around the state, more field organizers to speak with voters, more supplies so volunteers can get out the vote, and more chances to win in 2020.
We face many challenges this election year and Trump will continue to zero in on our state as the one to win in November. With only 9 months to go, your support matters so much to our team – so thank you.
If you haven’t had the chance to support Wisconsin Democrats as much as you’d like yet, consider making a monthly recurring donation between now and election day so we can keep our momentum up.
Thank you again for your support – we can’t run a grassroots campaign without you.
Ben Wikler,
Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
P.S. Stay engaged with Wisconsin Dems and learn about other ways you can help us make big wins in 2020 by following us on Facebook and Twitter.