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Today's Intelligence News & Opinion
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Gitmo Testimony Sheds Light on $81 MIllion CIA Contract for Waterboarding Duo --  On the stand, James Mitchell explains the financial upside of "enhanced interrogation techniques."
Haspel and Brennan Disagree on Assassinating Soleimani --
Two CIA directors have two very different views about the legality of killing an adversary with whom the United States is not at war.
Impeachment Primer: How Does the U.S. Support the Ukraine Military? -- All you need to know about an issue at the heart of the Senate's trial of the president.

New Korean Movie Depicts KCIA Assassination in 1979 - The true story of the spy chief who assassinated his former boss amid a burgeoning pro-democracy movement.

Professor Stephen Cohen on Ukraine and the Politics of Impeachment --The "national security" argument found little traction in the debate about Trump's misconduct.
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