John, remember our U.S. Supreme Court case, Moore v. Harper?
We’re expecting a decision to be handed down any day now, and I need your help to make sure we’re ready for anything.
I know it’s been awhile since I wrote you regarding Moore v. Harper, so here’s a quick recap on what’s going on.
Some rogue politicians from North Carolina are trying to completely demolish the system of checks and balances between our three branches of government – all so they can force through the unfair, gerrymandered maps that we successfully sued them to overturn.
It’s called the Independent State Legislature Theory… but I call it the Lawless Lawmaker Theory.
Here’s why: if they get their way, these extremist state politicians could seize absolute power over our federal elections – so they can manipulate the results however they want.
We couldn’t let that stand, so Common Cause and our allies argued at the Supreme Court this past fall to make sure they REJECT this bizarre and dangerous idea. And now, we could be just weeks away from a decision.
So, what does this mean for everyday Americans? If we lose this case, it could mean an end to early voting and vote-by-mail in states where anti-democracy extremists hold power. It’d be a green light for a lot more deliberately rigged voting maps, with no checks or balances to keep them honest. And, it’d kick into overdrive the recent resurgence of Jim Crow restrictive voting laws.
I know this sounds like a lot – could it really be this bad? Unfortunately, it is. Our democracy is built on the foundation of checks and balances – a vital safeguard against those seeking to rig our government against us.
So if our opponents successfully convince the court to declare open season on our voting rights, the results will be catastrophic. That’s why I’m coming to you right now, John.
We need to be prepared for any outcome in this case – including being ready to rapidly scale up our work to protect your right to vote if we lose this case.
That could mean lawsuits in states trying to manipulate our elections, lobbying to protect pro-voter reforms on the state and national level, and so much more.
We’re going to have our work cut out for us, John, and if we don’t prepare ourselves for any outcome right now, we’re going to be too late.
That’s why I’m writing you today. You see, one group of members make the most difference on our ability to rapidly scale up our work in response to critical moments like this one – the Guardians for Democracy.
The Guardians for Democracy make small but meaningful monthly contributions of $5, $10, or even $25 and make sure we have consistent resources we can count on in moments like this when we need to be prepared for anything.
Monthly gifts from our Guardians for Democracy members allow us to take cases to the Supreme Court, expand our grassroots network, and block attacks on our voting rights wherever they may crop up. Their gifts are essential to equipping us with the resources we need to fight off attacks on our democracy – like the one we’re currently fighting in Moore v. Harper.
We desperately need to ramp up our work to be prepared for any decision in our Supreme Court Case, Moore v. Harper. The most impactful way you can help is by becoming a Guardian for Democracy today.
AND if you sign up right now, we’ll send you Robert Reich’s book The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It as a thank you!
Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one-time gift to help where it’s needed most >>
John, we can’t afford to be caught unprepared when a decision is handed down in Moore v. Harper. As a Guardian for Democracy, you are helping us to prepare states for whatever decision the Supreme Court might issue. Can I count on your support?
In common cause,
Kathay Feng, Vice President of Programs
and the team at Common Cause