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This is the July 2019 issue of the library newsletter – our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug,
alcohol & tobacco publications, news and Dail debates, with key international research evidence.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Making sense of street chaos: an ethnographic exploration of homeless people’s health service
O'Carroll, Austin and Wainwright, David (2019) Making sense of street chaos: an ethnographic
exploration of homeless people’s health service utilization. International Journal for Equity in
Health , 18 , (113) .
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Vulnerabilities, resilience and quality of life in a homeless population.
Finnerty, Joe (2019) Vulnerabilities, resilience and quality of life in a homeless population. Cork
Simon Community.
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Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2018.
Daly, Antoinette and Craig, Sarah (2019) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2018.
Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Health in prisons: fact sheets for 38 European countries.
WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2019) Health in prisons: fact sheets for 38 European countries.
Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
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Longitudinal social network analysis of peer, family, and school contextual influences on adolescent
drinking frequency.
McCann, Mark and Jordan, Julie-Ann and Higgins, Kathryn and Moore, Laurence (2019) Longitudinal
social network analysis of peer, family, and school contextual influences on adolescent drinking
frequency. Journal of Adolescent Health , Early online .
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Geographic profile of healthcare needs and non-acute healthcare supply in Ireland.
Smith, Samantha and Walsh, Brendan M and Wren, Maev-Ann and Barron, Steve and Morgenroth, Edgar and
Eighan, James and Lyons, Seán (2019) Geographic profile of healthcare needs and non-acute healthcare
supply in Ireland. Dublin: ESRI.
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Social inclusion in the Irish health context: policy and stakeholder mapping.
O'Donnell, Patrick and O'Donovan, Diarmuid and Elmusharaf, Khalifa (2019) Social inclusion in the
Irish health context: policy and stakeholder mapping. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early
online .
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Women as vulnerable subjects: a gendered reading of the English and Irish drug strategies.
Wincup, Emma (2019) Women as vulnerable subjects: a gendered reading of the English and Irish drug
strategies. Addictive Behaviors , 98 , p. 105995.
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A psychoactive paradox of masculinities: cohesive and competitive relations between drug taking
Irish men.
Darcy, Clay (2019) A psychoactive paradox of masculinities: cohesive and competitive relations
between drug taking Irish men. Gender, Place & Culture , Early online .
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Prediction of psychiatric comorbidity on premature death in a cohort of patients with substance use
disorders: a 42-year follow-up.
Fridell, Mats and Bäckström, Martin and Hesse, Morten and Krantz, Peter and Perrin, Sean and Nyhlén,
Anna (2019) Prediction of psychiatric comorbidity on premature death in a cohort of patients with
substance use disorders: a 42-year follow-up. BMC Psychiatry , Early online .
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Cognitive performance and mood after a normal night of drinking: a naturalistic alcohol hangover
study in a non-student sample.
Devenney, Lydia E and Coyle, Kieran B and Verster, Joris C (2019) Cognitive performance and mood
after a normal night of drinking: a naturalistic alcohol hangover study in a non-student sample.
Addictive Behaviors Reports , 10 , (100197) .
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Substance misuse issues in Dublin’s north east inner city. A community-based needs analysis.
Kelly, Kathyan (2019) Substance misuse issues in Dublin’s north east inner city. A community-based
needs analysis. Dublin: North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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Cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention: economic evaluation
of data from the Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme cluster randomised controlled
Agus, Ashley et al (2019) Cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental
intervention: economic evaluation of data from the Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme
cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open , 9 , (7) , e027951.
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Evaluating peer-supported screening as a hepatitis C case-finding model in prisoners.
Crowley, Desmond et al (2019) Evaluating peer-supported screening as a hepatitis C case-finding
model in prisoners. Harm Reduction Journal, 16, (1), p. 42.
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Risk behaviours of homeless people who inject drugs during an outbreak of hepatitis C, Northern
Ireland, 2016-2017.
Maisa, Anna et al (2019) Risk behaviours of homeless people who inject drugs during an outbreak of
hepatitis C, Northern Ireland, 2016-2017. Journal of Viral Hepatitis , Early online, Accepted
version .
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The longitudinal relationship of alcohol problems and depressive symptoms and the impact of
externalising symptoms: findings from the Belfast Youth Developmental Study.
Homman, Lina E and Perra, Oliver and Higgins, Kathryn and O'Neill, Francis (2019) The longitudinal
relationship of alcohol problems and depressive symptoms and the impact of externalising symptoms:
findings from the Belfast Youth Developmental Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
, Early online .
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The use of prescription medication in prisons in Northern Ireland.
Higgins, Kathryn and Kelly, G and O'Neill, N and O'Hara, L and Campbell, Ann (2019) The use of
prescription medication in prisons in Northern Ireland. Queen's University Belfast.
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Tobacco control and 'plain packaging': performativity, cigarettes and the semiotics of brand names.
Moran Stritch, Margaret J and Houghton, Frank and O'Doherty, Diane and McInerney, Derek and Duncan,
Bruce (2019) Tobacco control and 'plain packaging': performativity, cigarettes and the semiotics of
brand names. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Predicting development of adolescent drinking behaviour from whole brain structure at 14 years of
Kühn, Simone et al (2019) Predicting development of adolescent drinking behaviour from whole brain
structure at 14 years of age. eLife , 8 .
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Trait mindfulness & self-reported driving behaviour.
Murphy, G and Matvienko-Sikar, Karen (2019) Trait mindfulness & self-reported driving behaviour.
Personality and Individual Differences , 147 , pp. 250-255.
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Sláintecare action plan 2019 - mid-year deliverables report.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) Sláintecare action plan 2019 - mid-year deliverables report.
Dublin: Department of Health.
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Mental Health Reform annual report 2018.
Mental Health Reform. (2019) Mental Health Reform annual report 2018. Dublin: Mental Health Reform.
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Courts Service annual report 2018.
Ireland. Courts Service. (2019) Courts Service annual report 2018. Dublin: Courts Service.
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HSE performance profile- January - March 2019.
Health Service Executive. (2019) HSE performance profile- January - March 2019. Dublin: Health
Service Executive.
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Sankalpa annual report 2018.
Sankalpa. (2019) Sankalpa annual report 2018. Dublin: Sankalpa.
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Second National Intercultural Health Strategy 2018 - 2023.
Health Service Executive. (2019) Second National Intercultural Health Strategy 2018 - 2023. Dublin:
Health Service Executive.
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National income and expenditure 2018.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) National income and expenditure 2018. Cork: Central Statistics
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National Healthcare Quality Reporting System annual report 2019.
National Patient Safety Office. (2019) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System annual report
2019. Dublin: Department of Health.
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National Review Panel annual report 2018.
National Review Panel. (2019) National Review Panel annual report 2018. Dublin: Tusla.
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Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board annual report 2018.
Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board. (2019) Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board annual
report 2018. Dublin: Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board.
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Evidence Resources
Hepatitis C: new models of care for drugs services.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2019) Hepatitis C: new models of
care for drugs services. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. 91 p.
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Health assessments and screening tools for adults experiencing homelessness.
Gordon, SJ et al (2019) Health assessments and screening tools for adults experiencing homelessness.
(In Press) BMC Public Health, 19 (994) [link removed]
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Use of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in criminal justice settings.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019) Use of medication-assisted
treatment for opioid use disorder in criminal justice settings. Rockville, MD: National Mental
Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory. Substance Abuse and Mental Health. 76 p.
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Learning from tragedies: an analysis of alcohol-related Safeguarding Adult Reviews published in
Alcohol Change UK. (2019) Learning from tragedies: an analysis of alcohol-related Safeguarding Adult
Reviews published in 2017. London: Alcohol Change UK. 19 p.
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Awareness of product-related information, health messages and warnings on alcohol packaging among
adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in the United Kingdom.
Critchlow, Nathan et al (2019) Awareness of product-related information, health messages and
warnings on alcohol packaging among adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in the United Kingdom.
Journal of Public Health, Early online [link removed]
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WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2019.
World Health Organization. [WHO] (2019) WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2019. Geneva:
World Health Organization. 109 p.
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Psychosocial support to tackle trauma-related symptoms and related substance use disorders.
Schäfer, Ingo and Lotzin, Annett [Pompidou Group] . (2019) Psychosocial support to tackle
trauma-related symptoms and related substance use disorders. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 52 p.
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Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2019) Drug-related infectious
diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the
European Union. 24 p.
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Can new digital technologies facilitate contingency management?
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Can new digital technologies facilitate contingency management?
London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis
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Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s.
UK Department of Health and Social Care. (2019) Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s.
London: HM Government. 78 p.
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End of life care for people with alcohol and drug problems: Findings from a rapid evidence
Witham, Gary and Galvani, Sarah and Peacock, Marian . (2019) End of life care for people with
alcohol and drug problems: Findings from a rapid evidence assessment. Health and Social Care in the
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Blueprints for the treatment and throughcare of prisoners with histories of drug dependence. A
report from the ex-prisoners recovering from addiction (EPRA) working group.
Ex-Prisoners Recovering from Addiction Working Group. (2019) Blueprints for the treatment and
throughcare of prisoners with histories of drug dependence. A report from the ex-prisoners
recovering from addiction (EPRA) working group. University of York. 72 p.
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Hospital admissions as a result of intentional self-poisoning by young people: summary and data.
Public Health England. (2019) Hospital admissions as a result of intentional self-poisoning by young
people: summary and data. London: Public Health England.
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Digital interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm: a rapid horizon scanning review.
Field, Matt and Campbell, Fiona and Hock, Emma and Wong, Ruth [Alcohol Change UK] . (2019) Digital
interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm: a rapid horizon scanning review. London: Alcohol
Change UK. 75 p.
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Australian music festival attendees: a national overview of demographics, drug use patterns,
policing experiences and help seeking behaviour.
Hughes, Caitlin and Barratt, Monica J and Ferris, Jason and Winstock, Adam [NDARC] . (2019)
Australian music festival attendees: a national overview of demographics, drug use patterns,
policing experiences and help seeking behaviour. Sydney: University of New South Wales. 9 p. DPMP
bulletin no 28.
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Alcohol screening and assessment measures for young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
validation studies.
Toner, Paul and Bohnke, Jan R and Anderson, Phil and McCambridge, Jim . (2019) Alcohol screening and
assessment measures for young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of validation studies.
Elsevier Science. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 202 39-49.
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Action plan on youth drinking and on heavy episodic drinking. Progress evaluation report.
WHO Regional Office for Europe. [WHO] (2019) Action plan on youth drinking and on heavy episodic
drinking. Progress evaluation report. Geneva: WHO Regional Office for Europe. 97 p.
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Take Home Naloxone: best practice in preventing fatal opioid overdoses for prison leavers.
Forward Trust. (2019) Take Home Naloxone: best practice in preventing fatal opioid overdoses for
prison leavers. Kent: Forward. Pulse (7) 7 p.
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Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Report on the twenty-eighth session (7 December
2018 and 20–24 May 2019).
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. [United Nations] (2019) Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice: Report on the twenty-eighth session (7 December 2018 and 20–24 May
2019). New York: United Nations. 49 p. Economic and Social Council official records, 2019,
Supplement no. 10.
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Peace, illicit drugs and the SDGs: a development gap.
Gutierrez, Eric and Balfe, Karol . (2019) Peace, illicit drugs and the SDGs: a development gap.
London: Christian Aid. 40 p.
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Global study on homicide 2019.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. [UNODC] (2019) Global study on homicide 2019. Vienna:
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Counting lives. Responding to children who are criminally exploited.
Turner, Alexandra and Belcher, Lucy and Pona, Iryna . (2019) Counting lives. Responding to children
who are criminally exploited. London: The Children's Society. 96 p.
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Recommendations on how to achieve tobacco-free nations in Europe.
Willemsen, Marc C and Hipple Walters, Bethany and Kotz, Daniel and Bauld, Linda . (2019)
Recommendations on how to achieve tobacco-free nations in Europe. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation,
5 (24) DOI: [link removed]
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Clinical question: Can adding baclofen to psychosocial treatment improve outcomes for people with
alcohol use disorder?
Kavirajan, Harish [The Cochrane Library] . (2019) Clinical question: Can adding baclofen to
psychosocial treatment improve outcomes for people with alcohol use disorder? London: Wiley.
Cochrane Clinical Answers [link removed]
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Clinical question: Can use of electronic cigarettes help people quit smoking?
Burch, Jane and Ciapponi, Agustín [The Cochrane Library] . (2019) Clinical question: Can use of
electronic cigarettes help people quit smoking? London: Wiley. Cochrane Clinical Answers
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Clinical question: Does biomedical risk assessment help as an adjunct to smoking cessation
Tort, Sera and Ciapponi, Agustín [The Cochrane Library] . (2019) Clinical question: Does biomedical
risk assessment help as an adjunct to smoking cessation interventions? London: Wiley. Cochrane
Clinical Answers [link removed]
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Clinical question: Do family/carer smoking control programs improve children's health?
Burch, Jane and Tort, Sera [The Cochrane Library] . (2019) Clinical question: Do family/carer
smoking control programs improve children's health? London: Wiley. Cochrane Clinical Answers
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Serbia Early warning system profile.
Jankovic, Jelena and Savic, Natasa [EMCDDA] . (2019) Serbia Early warning system profile. Lisbon:
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. 8 p.
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The prevalence of wholly attributable alcohol conditions in the United Kingdom hospital system: a
systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression.
Roberts, Emmert and Morse, Rachel and Epstein, Sophie and Hotopf, Matthew and Leon, David and
Drummond, Colin . (2019) The prevalence of wholly attributable alcohol conditions in the United
Kingdom hospital system: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. Addiction, Early
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Interventions to address substance use and sexual risk among gay, bisexual and other men who have
sex with men who use methamphetamine: A systematic review.
Knight, Rod et al (2019) Interventions to address substance use and sexual risk among gay, bisexual
and other men who have sex with men who use methamphetamine: A systematic review. Elsevier Science.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 194
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Pragmatic approach to tackling drug addiction needed.
[Irish Times] Byrne, Derek (29 Jul 2019)
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No expression of confidence in chair of drug law taskforce.
[Irish Examiner] Ó Cionnaith, Fiachra (29 Jul 2019)
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Self-service cigarette machines set to be stubbed out.
[Irish Examiner] English, Eoin (29 Jul 2019)
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1,100 cases where kids were treated for alcohol and drug related illnesses in Irish hospitals last
[newstalk.com] (29 Jul 2019)
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Conflict over plan to soften drug law; Minority report outlines split in opinion on changes to
[Irish Examiner] McConnell, Daniel (27 Jul 2019)
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Dublin City Council refuses planning permission for Ireland's first injecting centre.
[thejournal.ie] Fitzgerald, Cormac (26 Jul 2019)
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Merchants Quay Ireland considers appeal on supervised injection facility planning refusal.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (26 Jul 2019)
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Alcohol Action note progress on health warnings and information to be placed on alcohol products and
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (25 Jul 2019)
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Government to take 'health led approach' in reforming drug possession laws.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Jul 2019)
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A measured, not radical, approach to drug use.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (24 Jul 2019)
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Merchants Quay Ireland calls for Dublin injection centre after St Stephen’s Green incidents.
[The Times] Haugh, Ben (24 Jul 2019)
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Drug possession system could cost up to €7m.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 Jul 2019)
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RCPI Policy Group on Tobacco calls on the Government to fast-track legislation to prohibit the sale
of e-cigarettes to children.
[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland] (22 Jul 2019)
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Rising economy sees increase in cocaine use.
[Irish Examiner] (22 Jul 2019)
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‘Local drug task force needed to tackle local drug problem’.
[Westmeath Examiner] Aughey, Olga (20 Jul 2019)
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Gardaí target Dublin online drug supplier who uses 'hundreds of SIM cards' a year to evade
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (20 Jul 2019)
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More than 1,100 drug seizures made in Irish prisons last year.
[Irish Examiner] (20 Jul 2019)
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The farm that helps drug addicts: ‘It’s calm here. When everything is hectic, that helps’.
[Irish Times] Dennison, Penny (19 Jul 2019)
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'A licence to print money': The 'wild west' of Ireland's rampant slot machine industry.
[thejournal.ie] Bodkin, Peter (18 Jul 2019)
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Minister intervenes over funding crisis facing street project to tackle drugs and gangs issue.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (18 Jul 2019)
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Project diverting youths from drugs and gangs facing axe.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Jul 2019)
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Open letter to Taoiseach July 2019.
[Citywide] (16 Jul 2019)
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Recall of EUPHORIA CBD Full Spectrum Oil products due to the presence of THC, an unauthorised
[FSAI Ireland] (16 Jul 2019)
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Irish Times view on Benzodiazepine use: a cause for concern.
[Irish Times] (15 Jul 2019)
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Fifteen children under five poisoned by heroin and ecstasy.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (15 Jul 2019)
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Editor's Viewpoint: Alcohol pricing controls in the Republic a sobering reminder of a problem
widespread across this island.
[Belfast Telegraph] (13 Jul 2019)
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'War on drugs' may harm the world's poorest - report.
[RTE News] (11 Jul 2019)
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56% increase in amount of cannabis seized by Revenue this year.
[Irish Examiner] (10 Jul 2019)
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10 areas governments could work with to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.
World Health Organization (10 Jul 2019)
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Withdrawal of navy ships ‘neon sign’ to drug smugglers.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (09 Jul 2019)
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Explainer: Minimum unit pricing for alcohol is on the way, but how exactly does it work?
[thejournal.ie] Dwyer, Orla (08 Jul 2019)
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Benzodiazepine use in Irish over 65s is higher than international average.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (08 Jul 2019)
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Deaths of six children known to Tusla associated with ‘substance misuse’.
[Irish Times] Holland, Kitty (05 Jul 2019)
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Drugs: an open letter to Leo Varadkar from Hot Press.
[Hot Press] (05 Jul 2019)
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Gardaí refuse to provide policing plan needed for injecting centre until planning permission is
[thejournal.ie] Fitzgerald, Cormac (04 Jul 2019)
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Inclusion of chronic pain conditions on cannabis access scheme will be 'kept under review'.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (03 Jul 2019)
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Alcohol Action Ireland notes government moves to commence minimum unit pricing of alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (01 Jul 2019)
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Dail Debates
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence debate. Colombian peace process:
discussion. [
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] (11 Jul 2019)
Topical issue debate - suicide prevention. [
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] (10 Jul 2019)
Order of Business [Application of cautions]. [
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] (09 Jul 2019)
Seanad. Order of Business - drug decriminalisation. [
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] (04 Jul 2019)
Leaders’ questions [Crime]. [
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] (03 Jul 2019)
Priority question 46 - Medicinal cannabis. [
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] (02 Jul 2019)
Priority questions 45 – National drug strategy. [
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] (02 Jul 2019)
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