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Wednesday, April 26th, 2023


How the GOP Will Whiff on the Debt Ceiling Showdown

David Stockman

Perception Can Be Reality, and Reality Can Be Perception: So What Is Real?

Gary D. Barnett

Kat Timpf’s You Can’t Joke About That

Douglas Young

The USD Could Lose Petrodollar Status: How Do You Prep for That?

Daisy Luther

How Are the Covid Shots Affecting Mothers-To-Be?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Big Lies and Bigger Lies

James Howard Kunstler

America’s Social Contract Is Broken

Charles Hugh Smith

No More Truth from Fox News

Paul Craig Roberts

Environmental Activism as a Capitalist Trojan Horse, and ‘The Bill Gates Factor’

Dr. Vandana Shiva and Michael Welch

The Covid Vaccine Causes Tinnitus and Many Other Adverse Events

Steve Kirsch

New Koch

Adam Kissel

The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right To Criticize the Government

John & Nisha Whitehead

Political Theatre

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