Secretary Yellen claimed the budget “builds on economic progress” and makes “smart, fiscally sound investments.”
But President Biden’s $6.9 trillion budget for fiscal year 2024 would increase the debt by 77 percent in 10 years from $24.6 trillion to $43.6 trillion and destroy the U.S. economy.
Despite this, Secretary Yellen claimed that “fiscal discipline remains a central priority in our budget.”
Ever since President Biden named Yellen as his Treasury secretary, spending has skyrocketed, and fiscal discipline has been nonexistent.
She even admitted that President Biden’s $1.9 trillion “rescue plan” added to inflation.
Throughout her tenure, Secretary Yellen has been leading the way inside the administration to waste the taxpayers’ money, leading to her being named CAGW’s Porker of the Month in both October 2021 and today.