
By now, I'm sure you've seen the big news that President Joe Biden has formally launched his reelection campaign.

I’m proud to support President Biden, and I look forward to doing everything possible to help him win reelection so we continue making progress for the American people.

Now that Biden is officially in, it's urgent that he kicks off his campaign with widespread, grassroots support. Please consider splitting a $3 donation to both of our campaigns today.
Donate $3

Last November, I had the privilege of hosting Joe Biden for a Get Out the Vote rally here in the 49th District. What struck me during his remarks was his unwavering focus on achieving meaningful wins for the American people.

Between the 24-hour cable news cycle and the near-daily antics stirred up by extreme Republicans, there's a lot of noise and distractions in today's political discourse. But through it all, we managed to pass significant legislation to bring down costs for American families, address the climate crisis, and take the first meaningful steps to reduce gun violence in decades.

Meanwhile, the GOP has made their agenda clear: continued attacks on women’s reproductive rights and a concerted effort to diminish our democratic institutions. Joe Biden is defending working families and our democracy, and it's incumbent on all of us to rally together to support him.

Please split a $3 contribution between President Biden's reelection campaign and mine. Let's send a message that we have his back from Day One.

Thank you,
