We’re doing everything in our power now to ensure that voters can make their voices heard in this critical race. 

President Biden announces re-election campaign for president

It’s official — President Biden and Vice President Harris just announced they’re running for re-election in 2024! While some details of next year’s election are uncertain, here’s what we do know:

  1. The future of the freedom to vote is on the ballot.
  2. The last election solidified Georgia’s position as a swing state. It remains on the frontlines of attempts to undermine our democracy.
  3. Anti-voter extremists have historically relied on voter suppression and intimidation tactics in their attempts to win elections, especially in Georgia.
  4. We’re less than 300 days away from the first primary election of the 2024 cycle.

We must do everything we can NOW to protect the freedom to vote and make sure every eligible voter can register to vote, cast a ballot, and have that ballot counted in this critical election. Will you rush a donation of $20 or anything you can right away to support Fair Fight’s work in Georgia and across the country?

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In his official announcement, President Biden affirmed his commitment to protect our democracy and our freedom to vote.

He shared, “Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they have to defend democracy. Stand up for our personal freedom. Stand up for our right to vote and our civil rights. And this is our moment.”

We have already seen the lengths that far-right anti-voter extremists will go to upend our voting processes to overturn the will of voters. We know conspiracy theorists are gearing up for the next wave of efforts to erode access to the ballot. We must do everything we can to stop it — and it will take a strong coalition to stand up against it.

Please make a contribution of $20 or anything you can today to help Fair Fight build voter power in Georgia and across the country and lay the groundwork for a free, fair, and safe 2024 election.

Thank you,

The Fair Fight Team