Compassionate Living would like to invite you to the virtual book launch party of its sponsored book, edited by Hope Bohanec and published by Lantern Publishing & Media, The Humane Hoax: Essays Exposing the Myth of Happy Meat, Humane Dairy, and Ethical Eggs. You can now order your copy! We will be joined by eight of the contributing authors and give away some books and other prizes! All proceeds of the sale of the book will go to Compassionate Living.
This groundbreaking volume uncovers and critiques how animal agriculture’s new alternative marketing and labeling is lulling consumers into a false sense of industry improvement.
In the absence of accurate information, educating people on the realities behind the industry's lies has never been more important, and people are hungry for the truth.
The Humane Hoax features a range of engaging and thought-provoking essays from eighteen notable experts who are at the forefront of this marketing and societal shift, chronicling every aspect with in-depth analyses and intellectual rigor. You will hear from the editor, Hope Bohanec, as well as authors Karen Davis, John Sanbonmatsu, Alastor Van Kleeck, Joanne Kong, Sailesh Rao, Robert Grillo, and Christopher Miller.
The virtual book launch party will take place at V-COP13: Vegan Convergence of the People this Saturday, April 29th, at 11 am PT/ 2 pm ET.
Register Here! |
Read the interview on Psychology Today