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Hi John, 

In just 9 days, Mothers Against Greg Abbott is sponsoring our very first Lobby Day at the Texas State Capitol. We've created #MomForce to help ensure we can fight back against Republican extremism this year. And we need you!
RSVP now to join the MomForce ›››
To join #MomForce: Join us Thursday May 4th at the Texas Capitol from 9 am - 4 pm to lobby for Texas families on the topics that are most important to all of us. 

We will be meeting legislators about, but not limited to, the following topics: Public Education, Gun Safety, LGBTQ+ rights, Healthcare, Voting Rights, Climate Change, Budget Surplus, TX Energy, and more...

If you can join us in person, RSVP›››
We've got a full program in the works to make #MomForce Lobby Day as powerful as possible! Everyone is welcome — feel free to drop in for the full day, or as much of Lobby Day as you can.

 ››› If you are interesting in riding the bus or leading a group of lobbyists for the event, please fill out our Lobby Day Leaders Form, here.
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

Another way to get support? If you can, please donate now to help support our #MomForce Lobby Day at the Texas State Capitol. Mothers Against Greg Abbott is entirely supporter-funded; we rely on supporters like you to make our events a reality.

Your donation today is making our programming at the #TX Lege possible this year and MomForce can't happen without your support. 
Donate to the #MomForce ›››
Looking for another way to join #MomForce?
Get yours now!
We're asking EVERYONE to wear their #MomForce gear on May 4th to send a powerful message about the strength of our movement.  

...If you haven't gotten yours yet: order now, there's still time to have it shipped. Pick up the official #MomForce tee at our e-store.
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Mothers Against Greg Abbott
PO Box 27881
Austin, TX 78755

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