Hi there,
Behind every egg that ends up in a pastry, a restaurant meal, or a grocery store refrigerator, there’s a hen living in extreme confinement. A hen stuck in a system that profits off her suffering. A hen who deserves better.
And there are millions just like her.
Our team wanted to know: Just how many millions of hens can we spare from brutal cages through our efforts this year?
So we scraped all the data we could find—turning over every rock and following every lead—and calculated the number of hens we could spare from life in a cage if just a handful of the companies who’ve already committed to ditching battery cages within the next 3 years would just. follow. through.
Because many of these companies aren’t fully transparent about their progress, it was challenging to break down the data. Most companies don’t even share the number of eggs they use each year, because they don’t have to. For them, it’s better to keep the numbers—of eggs, of hens—a secret. The truth would be too shocking.
Here’s what we realized.
This year, we’re publicly pressuring dozens of corporations across the food industry to make—and share—their progress and plans towards eliminating cruel cages from their supply chains. From bakeries to restaurants, from grocery stores to caterers. And if we’re successful—if we can persuade these corporations to follow through on their own pledges to do better for animals—we can put an end to a lifetime of extreme confinement for 6,700,000 hens.
If 6,700,000 sounds like a big number… it is!
We’ve set this ambitious goal because we believe that together, we can achieve it. We’ll take action—like signing petitions, sending emails, or sounding off on social media—to hold companies accountable to the promises they’ve already made.
By taking actions like these, advocates like you have already made a difference for millions of hens. Now we have a chance to help millions more.
But we can’t do it without you.
Battery cages are archaic, unnecessary, and inhumane. And it’s time for them to go away for good.
While ending cages is just part of our long-term vision to dismantle factory farming, it is a tremendous change for the better that we can help put in place now.

Vicky Bond
President |