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Saturday's meeting  “Putting Away Childish Things: America in a World Without War,” was a powerful continuation of the Rage Against the War Machine process of bringing diverse leaders and organizations together in order to avert the threat of thermo-nuclear war, and move the United States away from the insanity expressed by Biden's announcement that he is running for re-election in 2024. You may watch the full conference on Rumble below.

The program began with  wonderful musical contributions, which concluded with the audience singing the US National Anthem, (which was very well sung!) a good reminder of our second victory against the British Empire in the War of 1812.   The moderator of the event was Tara Reade, Author, Geopolitical Analyst, and former U.S. Senate Staffer.  Speakers, in the order of their presentations, were:

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairperson of the Schiller Institute
  • Janice Kortkamp, researcher and citizen expert on Syria;
  • Steven Starr, who spoke of the danger and details to expect concerning a nuclear war. 
  • Dennis Speed, a spokesman of the Schiller Institute, with film clips from JFK, and a reading of the Declaration of Independence;
  • Anthony Gronowicz, professor of History at BMCC and Green Party candidate for New York City mayor 2005, 2013,
  • Larry Sharpe, political activist and 2018 and 2022 NY Libertarian party candidate for Governor;
  • Nick Brana, Founder and National Chairman of the People’s Party and co-convenor of the Rage Against the War Machine February 19th demonstration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC,
  • Gerald Celente, Founder and Director of the Trends Research Institute; publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine. 
  • Scott Ritter, former USMC intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector. 
  • Cade Levinson, historical researcher and founder of the Scranton Powderly Forum discussing the military industrial complex and how to turn swords into ploughshares;
  • Jose Vega, LaRouche activist and staffer for the Sare for Senate campaign;
  • Diane Sare, 2024 LaRouche candidate for the US Senate, New York, including video clips of Lyndon LaRouche and his attorney speaking about the witch hunt that led to his unjust 5-year incarceration. 

Printed Program avaiable here. The order was changed, as reflected above. *Participation in the Sare for Senate meeting does not constitute endorsement of any candidacy.



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