
Hi John,


Finally some news from the capitol... but it’s not good news: we’re hearing that budget negotiators are close to a deal that would reauthorize 22 “zombie charters,” from schools that previously failed and closed.


But the budget isn’t done yet! Just a few minutes ago, Governor Hochul confirmed in a press conference that charter schools are one of the LAST major topics being negotiated.


That means our State leaders and legislators need to hear from us NOW. Don’t delay! We may have only hours — or even minutes — to change the outcome of this budget. After nearly a month of working overtime, our representatives in Albany cannot sell out our public schools in the final hour.


State leaders and legislators need to hear from us, their constituents, right this minute, while negotiations are still ongoing, that the final budget can’t include ANY new charters. Email them now!


Charter schools are funded by extracting resources from public schools, therefore any expansion of charter schools in the enacted budget — whether the reauthorization of zombie charters, or lifting the regional cap — will negatively impact the overall budget for public schools, in New York City in particular.


New York City already spends over $3 billion on charter schools. Even without lifting the charter cap or reauthorizing zombie charters, 32 percent of this year’s Foundation Aid increase to New York City will go toward charter schools, which educate just 14 percent of students there. Reauthorizing ‘zombie’ charters alone would add another $58 million annually to the city’s current $3 billion bill for charter schools.


There’s very little time left to influence the outcome of this year’s budget, but it isn’t too late. Call and email your state leaders and legislators NOW. Tell them that the State Legislature must stand its ground and keep any expansion of privately run charter schools out of the enacted budget, so that the majority of the Foundation Aid increase goes to the majority of students, as is intended.



Send an email

Click below to send an email to the main budget negotiators — Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie — and your own State Senator and Assemblymember now.


Make a phone call

Click here to find the phone number of your State Senator or call the Senate switchboard at 518-455-2800 and ask to connect with your Senator’s office.


Click here to find the phone number of your Assemblymember or call the Assembly switchboard at 518-455-4100 and ask to connect with your Assemblymember’s office


"My name is _________ and I am a (parent/ provider/community member) calling from (your town). 


I am calling to urge you to say no to charter schools, and reject Governor Hochul’s proposals to expand charter schools, so that the majority of the Foundation Aid increase goes to the majority of students, as is intended.


Charter schools are funded by extracting resources from public schools, therefore any expansion of charter schools in the enacted budget — whether the reauthorization of zombie charters, or lifting the regional cap  — will negatively impact the overall budget for public schools, in New York City in particular.

Your community is counting on you. Stand your ground and keep any expansion of privately run charter schools out of the enacted budget.



Jasmine Gripper

Executive Director