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After President Biden unveiled his new $4.7 TRILLION budget, one thing is clear: Small businesses will be sending bigger checks back to Washington…

While Americans continue to face more expensive bills and higher prices, President Biden is doubling down on his ridiculous spending and pushing the cost onto every American consumer… again.

And unfortunately, Friend, nobody is a stranger to President Biden’s spending woes.

Take a look at some impacts of this disastrous policy:

  • Forcing a $650 billion tax hike on small businesses.
  • Raising death taxes by nearly $77 billion.
  • Sticking American energy producers with a new $37 billion tax hike, slashing the benefits of Republicans’ recent energy legislation.
  • Costing every American family nearly $10,000 in new taxes.
Kelly is committed to blocking Biden’s tax hike and protecting the American consumer. Your financial security will always be my top priority, and I hope you will support my fight to defend America from Biden’s newest wave of taxes.

For Financial Security, 
Team Armstrong

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