Speedbumps on the Highway to Christian Fascism and the Resistance Still Needed
Episode 153 uploaded April 23: Sam Goldman (@SamBGoldman) and Coco Das (@Coco_Das)
discuss the latest developments in the plans to institute a full
abortion ban (which hit a speedbump on Friday with SCOTUS deciding to
maintain the status quo access for mifepristone while the Kacsmaryk
ruling works its way through appeals) as well as other developments in
the past week.

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Sam & Coco discuss
* SCOTUS maintaining status-quo of access to abortion medication mifepristone
* The Christian Fascists effort to make Trump more committed to nationwide abortion ban
* What’s driving the fever-pitch in the assault on #lgbtq rights
* Are we seriously just leaving it to trans folks to prevent their erasure?
* How protest can make a difference
* The Texas Senate advancing legislation to put the 10 commandments in schools
* TX Gov Abbott vowing to pardon the murderer of #blm activist Garrett Foster
and so much more!
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