The Democrats’ phony accusations and disgusting, unconstitutional efforts to illegitimately remove President Trump from office via a sham impeachment will likely end on Wednesday when the Senate will hold the final vote on acquittal vs. conviction. We must keep the pressure on the Senate to acquit, acquit, acquit because it would be so great to not just get Republican votes, but to nab a couple of Democrat votes as well. So, keep up the great work!
(NOTE: There is always a chance for some tricky business from the Democrat House Managers, so keep an eye on your email in case we need to update this call to action. There is some thought that they will use every possible procedural motion to slow it down and keep this going on for as long as possible, because they figure he will be acquitted and now need this to drag on to affect November 2020.)
See below for details on the action items, as well as the main messaging points (listed at the bottom of this email) that you should use in all of your communications this week!
Action Item #1 Call both of your Senators to urge them to vote for acquittal when it’s time to vote on Wednesday! It looks like we do not have your address in our system, and therefore, cannot locate the senators that represent your state. Please Update Your Profile to have this key information provided in the future. In the meantime, visit our Find Your Members of Congress area to locate this contact information, or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be transferred to each office. (NOTE: You will need to call the Capitol Switchboard each time to be transferred.) We estimated that you live in DC. If this is incorrect, please Update Your Profile. PHONE SCRIPT “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a constituent calling from [City, State] to urge Senator [Senator’s Name] to vote to swiftly acquit President Trump. The facts remain the same, months after this sham began. 1) The July 25th call transcript, released to the public, shows no evidence of pressure, no quid pro quo. 2) Both President Zelensky and President Trump have said there was no pressure on the call. 3) Zelensky did not know aid was withheld at the time of the July 25 call. 4) Ukraine received aid with no conditions.
Additionally, President Trump is the only President who has given lethal aid to Ukraine – not once, but three times, while the Obama Administration denied lethal aid to Ukraine. This impeachment sham has been a partisan witch hunt since the beginning, in an effort to undo the 2016 election and take President Trump off the ballot in 2020. The American people, myself included, do not look kindly on efforts to steal our votes. Acquit President Trump! Thank you.”
Action Item #2 Make special calls to the following Senators to especially urge them to vote for acquittal on Wednesday! Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) PHONE SCRIPT Use the same script as above – these four Democrat Senators need to hear the same message.
Action Item #3 Help us compete with the mainstream media and Democrat megaphone that spreads nothing but lies. The President needs you to retweet and share messages on Twitter and Facebook. It’s up to us to spread the truth. Use the hashtag #AcquitTrump when you are on social media.
If you can help with this, sign up for our special Trump Defense Team email list if you haven’t already, or reply to this email and we will manually add you.
Also, we understand that some of you do not like Twitter and Facebook. You can continue to make calls and perhaps write emails to your Senators or letters to the editor using the same information that we send to the special email list, so you should still sign up, even if you don’t do social media.
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
Messaging Points House Democrats claim their case is as simple as 2+2=4, but in reality, they have 0 evidence to support this sham.
ZERO QUID PRO QUO: House Democrats haven’t made their case, failing to show any pressure to conduct an improper investigation or any repercussions for not doing so.
ZERO LINKAGE OF AID OR MEETING: Ukraine received the aid and a meeting with President Trump – with no investigations.
ZERO PRESSURE: Ukrainian officials have emphatically denied that they were pushed to do anything.
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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