President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have led one of the most effective administrations EVER. Let’s make it a tremendous day for their re-election.

John, President Biden just announced his re-election campaign, and I am proud to support him.

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have led one of the most effective administrations EVER. Let’s make it a tremendous day for their re-election. John, split a $10 contribution to help President Biden and me protect the White House and Senate majority in 2024.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Joe Biden and Cory Booker will go through immediately:

I am thrilled that in this election we have a candidate who we support not because we want to vote against someone, but when I cast my ballot on November 5th, 2024, I’ll be voting for the candidate who is moving our country forward.

If we care about climate change, reproductive freedom, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, a humane immigration system, and our democracy — and I know that we do — then we need to support Joe Biden with all we’ve got.

The work of our generation, from the election of President Barack Obama 15 years ago to today, has been about bending the moral arc of the universe that much closer to justice.

It has been about the work of building, as the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan once said, “an America as good as its promise.”

We have overcome significant obstacles. And no doubt there will be many more to overcome.

But I know that together, we have what it takes to win these fights so long as we remain united.

That’s why I’m asking, John: Chip in any amount to President Biden’s re-election campaign and mine today, and let’s defend our progress in 2024.

Thank you for doing what you can to help ensure we kick off this 2024 campaign with momentum.

With love and gratitude,
