From Ryan J Billingham <[email protected]>
Subject Urgent action needed: hearing tomorrow on lead poisoning
Date February 3, 2020 8:10 PM
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Dear John ,
We need you right now. Tell your Assembly representatives to protect kids from lead poisoning. [[link removed]]

We’re fresh off a successful lobby day, and we already have an opportunity to get one of your priority issues closer to the finish line: protecting kids from toxic lead in their drinking water.

This important legislation is in committee tomorrow. Send a message right now to your Assembly members to support the SCHOOLs bills. [[link removed]]

Lead is a thief. It reaches into a child’s brain and steals their future. Lead is like a hammer that damages a child’s brain. In fact, lead is stored in our bones and keeps hammering away throughout a person’s lifetime.

This results in devastating consequences. It steals IQ, it disrupts brain functions that regulate behavior. Lead expresses itself in a child and a community in profound ways – like increased violence.

The SCHOOLs bills would protect kids in the places they spend the most time: schools, daycares, and camps. The bills require testing for lead in those places and, if lead is found, to provide clean water. The bills also help offset costs to institutions for remediating lead in their water systems. This is a step forward.

Tell your representative in the Assembly it’s time to prioritize kids. It’s time to get rid of lead where our most vulnerable are most likely to be exposed. [[link removed]]

Last week, nearly 300 people came to Madison to push your clean water agenda – including the SCHOOLs bills. Now, we have that chance.
Time is short, we need you to put pressure on your Assembly members today [[link removed]] . Together, we can protect Wisconsin’s kids, communities, and future from toxic lead.

Thanks for being a conservation voter,

Ryan Billingham
Communications Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
[email protected]
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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