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We’re the New Liberals - a growing grassroots network of young activists around the country who are offering Democrats a radically pragmatic alternative to the illiberal ideas of populist activists.

You, reader, are part of that network by being either a young member yourself or someone who supports us in our efforts to build a broad and durable center-left majority.

Right now we are getting ready to expand and fortify and so we’re starting with a deep dive into our community. By filling out this deep dive, you will enable us to better understand who our members are, so we can target people like you to join our movement and better serve our existing communities. It will only take a few minutes to complete the survey, here:

This survey – our CNL Demographics Survey – is the first of a three part deep dive series. We want to better get to know you, your policy and political priorities, and your sentiment toward some of the messaging we frequently encounter in and out of our political spheres.

Take the CNL 2023 Demographics Survey

This survey might seem inconsequential, but its results will be impactful in establishing our political infrastructure ahead of the upcoming cycle.

Take a few minutes now to complete our survey. We look forward to sharing the results with you, and more profoundly, to making lasting change in 2024 and beyond. 

Colin Mortimer
Director, Center for New Liberalism

The Center for New Liberalism (CNL) is a digital-first grassroots organization dedicated to fighting for liberalism during the age it is most under attack. We are the hub of a grassroots movement of center-left activists from around the world. Collectively, our work reaches upwards of 60 million people a month.

In 2023, we are launching our New Liberal Action Summit. NLAS is free for those accepted to attend. With summits across the U.S. and abroad, the first NLAS kicked off in San Francisco.

CNL values our members. To become a member or to learn more about membership, visit our membership page.

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Center for New Liberalism 1156 15th Street NW Suite 400 Washington, DC xxxxxx USA

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