Mercury air pollution can be lethal. This potent neurotoxin has been linked to cancer, asthma, developmental problems in children, neurological issues, and more. It has been found in the food we eat and the water we drink. And the biggest source of this pollution? Coal-fired power plants.
Fortunately, EPA has a proven tool—Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)—to regulate this type of deadly pollution. But despite its track record of success, coal plants are still emitting dangerous levels of toxins, and EPA's most recent MATS proposal doesn't go far enough to cut pollution and protect lives.
We must call on EPA to finalize a stronger standard for all coal-fired power plants. Submit a pre-filled comment today to urge EPA to go further to protect us from toxic air pollution.
Addressing mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants can mean the difference between sickness and health, and often even life or death, for tens of thousands of people—especially those in the historically disadvantaged and low-income communities where coal-fired power plants are too often built. And, importantly, regulating MATS pollution will also benefit the climate.
Our public health can't wait. Join us and tell EPA to finalize the strongest possible MATS rule now.
Charles Harper
Power Sector Policy Lead
Evergreen Action