John, there are now just 2 days left to have your donation doubled as part of the Big Give’s Green Match Fund. Thanks so much if you’ve already chipped in!
We’re close to reaching £200,000. Do you think you could chip in to help us hit our target?
Anything you donate will be matched. So it’ll go twice as far for our vital campaign to protect people and the environment. At no extra cost to you.
Just click and donate at the Big Give Match Funding site, where you can double your impact for free.
I’ve popped my original email below as a reminder of what’s at stake.
All the best,
Campaigner, Friends of the Earth
Dear John
It won’t be news to you that nature is in decline. And the UK government isn’t doing enough to protect it. But with your help, we can change that.
Today we launch our campaign as part of the Big Give’s Green Match Fund. Over the next week we’re aiming to raise £200,000 to support our vital work.
Work that includes fighting to keep UK laws that protect the environment. Helping communities access green spaces. And bringing the magic of nature back into people’s lives.
And the best bit? Any donation you make today will be doubled at no extra cost to you. So every single penny you give will go twice as far for people and nature.
Biodiversity is being lost all over the UK. Nature-filled green spaces have vanished from many neighbourhoods. And even the air we breathe is corrupted with pollution.
Worse still, we could see thousands of rules that protect people and the environment weakened or scrapped by the end of this year.
With your support, we can help people rediscover their connection to the environment. And come together to stop the government from weakening the rules that protect it.
So can you help us meet our £200,000 target by clicking below and donating as part of the Big Give? Every pound you give will be matched by the Big Give’s network of trusts, foundations, philanthropists and businesses.
Lots of us are feeling the pinch, so we understand not everyone will be able to. But if you can chip in, we’d really appreciate it.
Nature needs us – let’s put everything we can into protecting it.
Thank you so much for all your support.
Kierra Box
Campaigner, Friends of the Earth