URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Kroger to say NO to bee-killing pesticides! 

Imagine this: you walk into your grocery store prepared to purchase fruits and vegetables to nourish both yourself and your family... BUT THE SHELVES ARE NEARLY BARE. What was once a colorful display of nutritious produce is now nearly EMPTY. What happened to the fruits and vegetables, Friend? 

These bare shelves are the result of the declining bee population. Bees and other pollinators are at the foundation of our food system. 1 out of every 3 bites of food we eat and 75% of the world’s most nutritious crops, including staples like apples and almonds, depend on pollinators like buzzing bees. 

Let’s talk about the problem -- Kroger, one of the largest U.S. food retailers, continues to sell food grown with dangerous neonic pesticides that are DEADLY to BEES. These chemicals attack their nervous systems and damage their ability to navigate, find food, fight diseases, and EVEN REPRODUCE! 

Friend, help SAVE the bees by demanding Kroger STOP selling produce grown with these toxic pesticides and endangering our food supply by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

Unfortunately, these toxic pesticides are not only dangerous to pollinators. Neonics have been linked to birth defects of the brain and heart, hormone disruption, and neurodevelopmental problems like autism. This is not just about protecting bees Friend; it’s about protecting people, too! We deserve a food system that nourishes us, not one that threatens our health and the planet. 

Let’s keep our produce shelves full and protect pollinators and our health by holding Kroger accountable. We need 56 more people from your area to demand Kroger STOP selling food grown with toxic pesticides to reach our goal. Act now! 

Standing with you,
Paolo Mutia 
Food and agriculture campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
