If it doesn’t make your blood boil that charges have been dropped against anti-gun loudmouth Alec Baldwin, then maybe the tax that our legislators want to drop on gun owners will!  The Left quite lite

If it doesn’t make your blood boil that charges have been dropped against anti-gun loudmouth Alec Baldwin, then maybe the tax that our legislators want to drop on gun owners will!  The Left quite literally spends their nights dreaming about what they can do to mess with the Second Amendment and our rights.  Conversely, those of us at GOC spend our nights dreaming about how we can thwart their efforts.  Today, GOC’s Sam Paredes is at the Capitol speaking in opposition to AB 28 (excise tax on guns and ammo) and tomorrow and Wednesday he’ll be testifying on a number of bills including SB 8 (mandated liability insurance) in both the Senate and the Assembly.  GOC has BOOTS on the GROUND fighting for your rights!

  • If you haven’t seen Sam in action before, check out his recent testimony on SB 452  HERE and Body Armor restrictions HERE

And on the GOOD NEWS front, GOC’s Great Gun Giveaway SOLD OUT and was a huge hit at the fabulous Camanche Hills Hunting Preserve.  The sporting clay competition was as fierce as it was fun, the weather was terrific and the prizes were even better.  OUR NEXT EVENT IS THE SACRAMENTO CRAB FEED on May 5 and if ticket sales are any indication, we will sell out like last year. Don’t be left out…call now for tickets!

California Dems Want to Impose 11% Tax on Gun/Ammo Sales | GV Wire
GOC is front and center in opposition to this bad policy.

California: No. 1 in Gun Control AND in 'Active Shooter Incidents' | Breitbart
Yet other states with constitutional carry are much safer.

ATF Director Can't Define 'Assault Rifles' He Was Hired to Outlaw | Truth About Guns
Further, proof of how useless the ATF is. 

No, Children Are Not More Likely to Die by Guns Than Cars | AmmoLand
More lies from the CDC…

False Headlines, Bad Data Leads to Bad Antigun Policies | NSSF
False data is being pushed by the mainstream media.

Smart Gun Fail: Why Gun Owners Don’t Trust Them | Ammoland
Refusing independent reviews?  That’s a problem.

Beyond Feel-Good Legislation: The Truth about Gun Control | RedState
Excellent piece outlining how gun control only impacts the lawful.

White House to Honor Anti-Gun Insurgents | Breitbart
When insurrections are anti-gun they get celebrated by the White House…

Americans Stock up: 60 Million Firearms Sold in 2 Years During COVID | RedState
"...people are realizing that they cannot rely on the state for their protection."

Charges Dropped Against Alec Baldwin | Bearing Arms
It seems that anti-gun Hollywood “celebrities” can get away with murder these days….

NYT Columnist: Fight Home Intruders with Bear Spray Instead of Guns | Breitbart 
Um, ok…

A Nation Rocked By Mass Shootings Goes On Extended Gun-Buying Run | CNN
More people exercising their 2A rights; terrific news. 


Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out!

Sacramento Crab Feed Banquet, Friday May 5, 2023

Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023

Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours!



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
Powered by VoterVoice