AB 659, the HPV Vaccine Bill passes out of Assembly Health Committee!
Contact Your Local Assembly Member today!

Bill Update: AB 659, which originally required the HPV vaccine for California public and private school 8-12th graders, and then was amended to require it of all public higher education establishment enrollees in California, passed out of the Assembly Health Committee last week with a 10-1-3 vote (Asm Akilah Weber (D) abstained and Asm Patterson (R), Waldron (R) and Flora (R) voted No) . Thank you to Carina Powers of Latinos for Medical Freedom, Joshua Coleman of V is for Vaccine and Katherine Robi, whose daugher was injured by the HPV vaccine, for their testimony in opposition. What remains in the bill is a statement state policy that all under 26 year olds are expected to get the HPV vaccine in order to enter 8th grade in California public or private schools and all public higher education establishments. While this is a "better bill" it still has flaws which will cause unintended consequences. AVFCA still opposes the bill in its current form because the language stating that the HPV vaccine is expected, is confusing and does not make it clear that it is not required for 8th grade or college/university entry. AVFCA is in communication with the author's office and assembly members to work towards further amending the bill so that eiter this entire section is removed or that the wording is changed and rather than being "expected," the HPV vaccine is recommended or encouraged. You can read AVFCA's letter of Oppose unless Amended here: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AVFCA-AB659-Letter-of-Opposition-unless-Amended-Aguiar-Curry-041423-Assembly.pdf
Action Alert: Please commit to taking ALL four actions, not just some, as they all serve a different purpose and to defeat the HPV Vaccine Mandate will require every effort. (e.g. writing an email is no substitute for meeting your legislator in person)
1) Email your Assembly Member using AVFCA’s easy to use online portal. This is a new email action, so please email even if you already did so previously.
Go to https://secure.everyaction.com/lCuBh2R9Q0upBvCGfOQzdg2 and send an email legislators to request Asm Aguiar-Curry to remove the HPV vaccine expectation or change the language. Please personalize the body of this email, as otherwise legislators think it is a bot that sent the email and ignore it. Note: the AVFCA portal does not send you what you wrote, so before you click submit, you may want to copy it to a personal document it so you have it for future reference.
2) Make an appointment TODAY to meet with your CA Assembly Member and their staff to ask them to request AB 659 be amended to remove the confusing and coercive language.
- Not sure who that is - enter your address here: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/ (Note: No need to contact your Senator yet)
- Not sure how to set up a meeting and build a trusted relationship with your legislators - watch this webinar: https://youtu.be/NGwnwAcJJZ4. Be sure to mention you are a constituent.
- Not sure what to say – review AVFCA’s letter of oppose unless amended linked above
3) If you have not already done so, submit a letter of opposition to the Legislative Portal, as an individual and on behalf of any organization you represent, and encourage other organizations to do the same:
- Write a brief letter in your own words asking the Assembly Health Committee to OPPOSE AB 659 to remove the HPV Vaccine Mandate. This does not need to be more than a few sentences stating “I oppose AB 659 bill because ….”. Make sure your letter is polite, to the point, and sounds convincing. Remember you are trying to sway the legislators to vote the way you want them to, not alienate them. If you can write on behalf of an organization or company, be sure to put your letter on a letterhead and sign it, so that it gets recognized.
- Create an account or sign in at https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/
- Click “Submit a letter” and enter the bill number (AB 659), and follow the instructions to upload your letter
4) Forward this email to anyone in California, and ask them to do the same. More details can be found here: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/ab-659-hpv-vaccine-mandate/
Over the past 8 years, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has established itself as the leading legislative organization lobbying in the California Capitol for your health rights. While A Voice for Choice Advocacy's lobbying activity in the Capitol is important, your positive constituent relationships with your CA State Senator and Assembly Member and their staff are critical to assisting with A Voice for Choice Advocacy's efforts in the Capitol.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
