Four epic days
The Big One at Houses of Parliament 21-24 April

Hi John

The past four days have been huge. Here’s a little look at what we did together.

We prepped thousands of banners, patches and posters.

Photo of a man creating posters

We picketed all the major Government departments.

Photo showing a group of people picketing

We took part in people’s assemblies and shared ideas about what comes next.

Photo showing a group of people talking together

Tens of thousands of us marched on Earth Day.

Photo showing a march
Photo showing a group of people with posters
Photo showing a group of scientists holding placards

We had a massive die in, to respect all that we have lost and may still lose.

Photo of a die in

We had 10 hubs for learning, connecting and mobilising.

Photo of the education hub

We had 100s of speakers, artists and performers at three stages and 16 pickets.

Photo of musicians performing
Photo of a person speaking to a crowd

We said we wouldn’t cause any public disruption - and we told the truth.

Photo of the London Marathon

We engaged with our MPs.

Photo of a woman with a placard

We set pink boats floating.

Photo of a child and small pink paper boats floating on water

There will be time for reflection and planning what comes next… once the rebels have rested! 


Love and rage,

Extinction Rebellion UK


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