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2022 Census of Agriculture - There's still time to respond!
The Census of Agriculture is a complete count of America?s farms and ranches and the people who operate them. Taken every five years, the census provides valuable information used at the local, state, and national levels to plan for the future. The census is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every state, county, and county equivalent in the nation. By participating in the census, you help show the value and importance of U.S. agriculture.
Your Voice
The census gives you and other producers a voice. Completing your census form is your opportunity to tell how American agriculture provides food, fuel, feed, and fiber to the world. Join this collective voice by responding to the census with information about your farm or ranch. You have the information and power to influence decisions that will shape the future of your operation, community, and industry.
Your Future
Your response provides input for future agricultural planning and decision making. The information collected helps USDA work with other organizations and rural communities to develop short-term and long-term improvements, strategies, and safeguards to better serve you. Results from the 2022 Census of Agriculture will play a role in determining future decisions about:
- Agricultural research
- Beginning farmer programs
- Conservation programs?
- New agricultural technologies
- Production practices
- Rural economic development
- Telecommunications connectivity (i.e. broadband expansion)?
- Transportation and marketing locations and more...
Your Opportunity
The information you supply in your census response is important -- regardless of the size or type of your operation. Some of the information you provide is not collected by any other means and helps to provide new tools, resources, and reports. The Census of Agriculture is your voice, your future, and your opportunity. USDA will begin data collection for the 2022 Census of Agriculture in November 2022. Please respond in one of the following ways:
- Online at Online reporting is fast, user friendly, and secure.
- By mail. Fill out the census questionnaire and return it in the prepaid envelope provided.?