John, check out NCLCV's latest environmental news!

A look at Kevin McCarthy’s catastrophic credit scam -- this and more in your CIB for the week of April 24th, John.

State of the Union

McCarthy’s Catastrophic Credit Scam 

Speaker McCarthy is attempting to hold the American economy hostage to the pro-polluter agenda of his party’s most extreme fringe.       

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A “Clean” Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Legislation making its way through the General Assembly would redefine what counts as “clean” energy, rather than just supporting renewable energy.

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Justice Justins

A Community Advocate Takes a Stand for Justice in Tennessee

One of the two “Justice Justins” who were booted out of the Tennessee legislature by partisan votes got his start in politics as a community advocate for environmental justice.

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electricity bills

“Eggs and Electricity Bills”: What (or Who) Is Raising Our Electric Rates?

Eggs, bread, milk, and electricity bills are going up. But not for the same reason. In NC, there are seven people on a state utility board who will decide whether to raise your rates. 

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