It’s absolutely unbelievable.
Since Joe Biden has been in office, average wages in America have PLUMMETED -
all while prices arehigher than ever.
The math is simple - under Joe Biden, you’re losing money.
But here’s the truth: the Biden Administration and their Democrat henchman
will never care, becausethey’re not in this business to help working people,
they’re here to solidify their own power.
I’m not exactly popular in Washington, but I take that as a sign that I’m
doing my job right for the people that matter: hardworking Americans like you.
Join our team today to FIRE Joe Biden and put money back in YOUR pockets!
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I didn’t run for Senate because I wanted to make a name for myself, John. I
got into politics because I saw what the Left was doing to working Americans,
and I couldn’t sit by idly.
The Democrats will NEVER invest in good jobs and living wages because they
don’t want to see blue collar America succeed.
The Left hates your independent spirit, your work ethic, and your patriotism,
and they’re punishing you for it by tanking the economy with their socialist
Enough is enough.
It’s time to FIRE Joe Biden and his do-nothing Democrats and get to work to
take back our great country.
With you on our team, I know we can win big in 2024. Please, join us today and
TAKE BACK America from the socialist Democrats.
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Thank you,
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Josh Hawley
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Paid for by Josh Hawley Victory Committee
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