Living in San Diego and representing the 51st Congressional District, I’m honored to represent the amazing service members and their families who make up our strong and vibrant military community. So many of my colleagues think about the military in terms of defense contracts, budgets, and countering threats around the world (which are important), but I get the special privilege of calling service members and their families my constituents.
So, it’s striking that when I am taking calls from our military families, they’re not upset about drag performances or what books their kids are taught in schools, as much as my Republican colleagues’ would like to say. They’re calling me because they can’t make ends meet.
Military families can’t afford necessities like safe housing, child care, and putting food on the table. We’re failing to adequately support our service members and their families and it’s downright shameful.
We need to invest in meeting the basic needs of our military service members and ensuring an improved quality of life. If you agree, please join me by adding your name to this petition demanding action right now.
To put this issue in perspective, imagine for a moment what you can do with an eye-popping, $886 billion budget at your disposal?
This is the budget that our military has been operating with - one that hasn’t addressed basic needs. The stats are dire:
- More than 4,000 military children are waiting for child care spots at San Diego’s military child development centers.
- The San Diego Food Bank feeds about 45,000 food-insecure service members, veterans, and their families every month.
- The wait time for military housing units can be up to 24 months, and often these units pose health and safety hazards for families.
The fact is that a majority of the proposed budget will fund hardware and antiquated weapon systems, all while military families struggle to make ends meet and live with dignity.
It’s time we address these issues and focus on investing in our military families. Can you help me out by signing this petition?
Thanks so much.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs
California’s 51st District
P.S. If you want to read my op-ed on this topic in the San Diego Union-Tribune, you can find that here. I hope you’ll take a look!