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Hello, True Texan friends!
After months and months of planning, April 21 finally arrived! What a night! Thank you to the hundreds and hundreds of True Texans who turned out for our big Texas Tough event. This is our biggest event of the year, and it funds the vast majority of what we do. I know many others wanted to attend, but we just couldn't get any more in the door! It is SUCH a blessing to be surrounded by so many patriots. YOU are the reason we keep doing what we do.
Kari Lake at Texas Tough
We will send a separate email with a link to more Texas Tough stories and pics of our cannons, dancing, friends, and fireworks!
Don't worry if you missed it. No, we don't record our gala events, but we've got plenty of other great programming to offer you. Make sure to get and stay plugged in to your local satellite location to build friendships and make your activism more fun!
Last Week In Pictures
As if throwing a big party for over 500 of our friends wasn't enough, we had a lot of other great events going on as well. Rockwall/Kaufman hosted not one but TWO social events, Dallas hosted one, we played our weekly softball game, and we held NINE meetings around the state!
Wine not? Wine and Texas talk with our Rockwall/Kaufman peeps!
Check out our new digs! That's the biggest TV screen I've ever seen! Collin County now meets at this new AFN TV Studio.
Denton County's Co-Director Matt Armstrong traveled down to our RGV satellite to teach on Campaigns & Elections.
A new batch of Certified True Texans was trained this weekend!
Legislative Update
Testimony at Senate Committee Hearing
Our Citizen Advocates had a very busy week at the Capitol, registering for or against bills, testifying at committee hearings, delivering papers to committee members, and talking with legislators.
The session is more than half over, so it's crunch time. Lots of things are happening, and happening very fast! (although some not fast enough)
The Friday Action message this week is chock full of information and action items. If you have not already seen it, please take a look and take action in whatever way you can. If you can't come to the Capitol, you can call, or write to members to push our priorities. Contact information is included in the message. And if you can't go, or call, or write, please pray for our efforts.
1) We are circulating a petition to stop legal gambling coming into Texas. Please watch this video, then sign the petition. Our activists will be delivering them to House members and the Governor on Tuesday. Join us on Tuesday if you can. It's 151 offices to visit - we need many hands to make light work.
2) The RPT is hosting two special events on April 20 and 25. The 20th is focused on getting gender modification passed and the 25th is focused on the package of bills aimed at stopping the sexualization of children. Details on both are in Fran's Friday Message linked above.
3) Also on April 25th, our TTP activists will gather for a small training opportunity on Testifying at Committee Hearings. We will meet at 10 in Commissioner Sid Miller's conference room. Details in the Friday message linked above.
We hope you'll join us at the Capitol whenever possible. We're there every Tuesday and other days as the schedule dictates. If you need a ride just let us know - we'll do our best to pair you up with someone else who is coming from your area. See you at the Capitol!
Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Lots of winners were announced this week, including the winner of our attendance contest!
The winning location for our attendance contest was Brazos Valley!
Congratuations! TTP Brazos Valley should be an inspiration to many of our other satellites. Why? Because it took months and months for us to get that group going and fill the leadership team. Once we finally named a co-director, things started really rolling, and now they are winning awards! They boasted a 54% increase in attendance this quarter. Impressive. We have a few other satellites in that same situation needing to fill out their leadership teams, but watch out! As soon as we get them staffed up, we have every reason to believe they will take off just like Brazos Valley did! We are not fly-by-night activists. We're in this for the long haul, and we'll do what it takes to make these groups successful and save Texas!
We also are ready to announce our 2023 Scholarship Winners!
Owen Oppenheimer received his scholarship from co-director Jen White at the Denton meeting.
Congratulations to our 3 scholarship recipients for 2023! Seniors in government schools submitted an application along with a 1-min video. Click the links below to watch!
1st Place ($1000) - Owen Oppenheimer from Flower Mound - we liked how, even as a high school student, he is already doing things we ask our activists to do -- plus he was pretty smart to mention TTP throughout his video. ;-)
2nd Place ($500) - Madison Meason from Saginaw - her video showed the most creativity. If there is one thing I tell all my high school students, do not bore me! I don't care what you have to say, if your presentation is boring, no one will listen.
3rd Place ($250) - Madelyn Guidry from Italy - we loved her well-thought-out and clear arguments for keeping men out of women's sports. Now if only the Left listened to logic!
Local Elections
It's time!!! On Monday, April 24, make sure to add your topper to your TTP yard sign, letting everyone know early voting has started and where to find our list of recommended candidates. Check 'em out! Don't forget to ask your chosen candidates which polls you can help at, or if they need anyone to make calls or knock doors. Saving Texas starts at the local level, and this is a team effort! Hey... if you were a candidate, you'd want help too!
Early voting starts April 24. Election Day is May 6.
This week at True Texas Project...
You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this link but here’s a complete list of the week ahead. Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! And remember, no matter where you live, you are welcome at any meeting or event.
Thanks for reading! If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for us, just reply to this email.
For Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO on behalf of the True Texas team
PS. Did you know all our various audiences are different? The people that attend monthly meetings are different from those who read our emails, and from those who are on social media, and even from those who go to our social events. Of course the largest group of all are those who utilize our voting recommendations. You'll see heaps of them at the polls carrying their TTP lists that have never once attended an event or commented on a post, but they know they can trust our opinions. It's so interesting to me. That's why True Texas Project makes such an effort to build community. We want to reach folks where they are at. Our army just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It cannot be counted!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our cause. TrueTexasProject.com
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