![]() Patriot, Thanks to your outcry, the freedom-of-speech-killing RESTRICT Act faced some unexpected hurdles in Congress, and we slowed down what the statists thought was going to be a slamdunk win. But those who want to destroy free speech are NOT backing down. Now they are reportedly exploiting the recent incident, where top-secret military documents were leaked to the Internet, to demand speech on the Internet be silenced. Imagine the audacity . . . They’re not humiliated a 21-year-old, low-ranking Air National Guardsman seemingly had access to top secret intelligence among the highest levels of government. They’re not ashamed the documents prove the Secretary of Defense lied to Congress when he said he thinks Ukraine can win the war against Russia. They’re not concerned our allies now know beyond any doubt we spy upon them. No! They’re mad the American people are now discussing these leaks! This is a flat-out assault on freedom of the press. The RESTRICT Act is the globalists' legislative vehicle to destroy freedom and privacy on the Internet. It would destroy free speech online, by both threatening you directly and by threatening the social media networks that people use to share information. If anything you say could be possibly imagined by a federal agent to be "dangerous" to American interests – and as the indictment of President Trump has proven, their imagination is limitless – they could bring federal felony charges against you and/or any social network that allows you to speak. ![]() Amazingly, our worst enemy against freedom of the press is the mass media itself. Remember, the Washington Post worked to expose the identity of the leaker, rather than follow the journalistic obligation to protect sources. But then, with him out of the way, arrested by the FBI, they began using the leaks for their own propaganda stories! ![]() It must be nice to be able to betray your source, cherry-pick the material that suits your political agenda, and hide from the American people the most devastating facts they have the right to know – and never have to worry about censorship – while the government systematically threatens and intimidates citizen journalists for speaking the truth. “Democracy dies in darkness,” indeed. So the statists are more emboldened and aren’t backing down. But neither are we!! That’s why it’s so critical we keep up the pressure and DEMAND Congress stop the RESTRICT Act. Even if you’ve already sent your directive, send it again! ![]() Please send your directive to Congress immediately. We never disclose your personal information to anyone and only include your name and city in communications to Congress. This is a fight we can win, right now! After you’ve sent your directive to Congress to defeat the RESTRICT Act, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us inform and mobilize more patriots to save Free Speech. If you’re able to donate $10, $25, $50, or even $100 or $250, we can turn up the pressure and shut this proposed law down NOW! Because it’s not enough to know the truth: we must act to defeat this dangerous legislation, right now. And the more people we can reach with your support, the more we can bring this tyrannical power grab to a crashing halt! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This dangerous bill is moving through Congress RIGHT NOW, just as the people are discovering what it’s really about. Don’t hesitate – Send your directive RIGHT NOW! ![]() And if possible, please support Campaign for Liberty with your most generous contribution to make a stronger fight! Can you make a gift today of $25, $50, $100, or even $250 or $500? Your support is always appreciated in our fight for liberty. Join Ron Paul’s
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individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy,
and grassroots mobilization. |
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