
In Iowa, we're still being swarmed with calls, texts, and emails, from presidential candidates -- so I'll keep this short.

We set some ambitious goals for January, and after touching base with my team, I'm proud to let our supporters know that we came in right on target!

Thank you so much for helping us hit our goals on the first crunch of the new year. With only 121 days left until the Senate primary, we're right where we need to be to win and defeat Joni Ernst in November.

But more importantly -- today marks the historic Iowa Caucuses. Tonight, Iowans set the tone and get to decide our Democratic nominee for President. As a lifelong Iowan and the first state to choose, all eyes will be on us, and it's an honor and privilege we can't take for granted.

So my message is this: The Caucuses are all about party-building. Head to your caucus location, meet your neighbors on Democratic turf and help build your community. If you're comfortable, let them know about our campaign for a better and brighter future.

Thank you again for helping our campaign meet our goals and good luck tomorrow!

-- Eddie Mauro

P.S. We'll be expanding our efforts after the Caucuses, and could use your help! Sign up to volunteer with Team Mauro.


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P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA 50321