Dear John,
Today marks 30 days until the Alabama Senate Election on March 3rd, and we are traveling the state to Andalusia to meet with voters.

March 3 will be a very important day for the future of our Country and the State of Alabama.

On March 3, the people of Alabama will have the opportunity to let their voice be heard and to send a firm message to the elites in Washington D.C. that “We The People” are capable of choosing our next Senator!

That’s right, the only thing that stands between me and victory, is You!

John, I count you a dear friend, a prayer warrior who has lifted up my wife Kayla and I, and my children, as we were attacked, mocked, and threatened numerous times. Through it all, we remained faithful and so have you!

I am once again for your prayers and support as we approach the election on March 3rd.

But with only 30 days left, campaign funds have run low and we need to make our last push to Get Out The Vote!

I hope I can count on you to stand with me one more time  with a gift of $100, $250, $500, 1,000 or even a stretch gift of $2,800.
Democrats along with Establishment RINO’s spent upwards of $50 million in 2017 to steal your voice and continue to control our seat in the U.S. Senate.

Yet, despite their attempts to tarnish my long standing record, they failed as evidence of the 651,972 Alabamians who came out to vote for me on that cold December Day, 30 days after the False Allegations!

That’s because the people of Alabama know me, and they know I’m not afraid to take a stand!

That’s just what I did when a federal judge ordered me to remove a Ten Commandments monument from our Alabama Supreme Court.
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I did the same when the federal courts ordered Alabama to sanction same-sex marriage.

Both times, because I refused to yield and I was removed from office. Yet, both times I was re-elected by the people of Alabama.

I’m not done standing for the acknowledgement of God and for our conservative Alabama values that we all believe and know to be true.

The fight has just begun, we need your help in order to raise the funds to get out the vote!

My friend, on March 3 we have an opportunity to awaken the Nation and send a message to Washington D.C. they’ll never forget!

In closing, I ask for your prayers that God’s Will be done and that win or lose, we will have done our best to serve Him!

Thank you in advance for your support!
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P.S. The people of Alabama deserve a fighter who is battle tested, who is willing to speak the truth, and call out the lies of the Left.  I call on my fellow Alabamians to join our campaign to hit back and hit hard.
Copyright © 2019 Judge Roy Moore For U.S. Senate, All rights reserved.
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