We must elect climate justice leaders — and that starts with protecting our freedom to vote. 

Happy Earth Day! 🌎

There’s no denying it — the widespread impacts of the climate crisis continue to worsen each day. And this moment demands immediate action.

That’s why we’re proud to support Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV) this Earth Day. They’re recruiting volunteers and organizing voters in Georgia — helping to elect climate justice leaders and hold our elected officials accountable to enacting better climate policies. And the GCV team knows that without fighting back against big corporations and extremists pushing anti-environmental policies, we can’t make real progress. Split a donation between Fair Fight and Georgia Conservation Voters.


Fair Fight is working towards a democracy where we have true climate justice — and that means ensuring Black and brown folks who are hit hardest by the climate crisis are able to make their voices heard in elections.

We know that the same extremists attempting to suppress our votes, particularly for communities of color, are the same ones who deny the urgency of the climate crisis. It’s essential that we elect, re-elect, and work with climate justice leaders to pass comprehensive climate policies, and that starts with protecting access to the ballot box. Leading up to critical election cycles like 2024, Fair Fight works tirelessly to elect leaders who will defend our democracy and fight for climate action.

In honor of Earth Day, can you split a $20 donation to Fair Fight and Georgia Conservation Voters right away? Your contribution today will support our mission of expanding access to the ballot box AND boost the climate justice movement.


Thank you for your support,

The Fair Fight Team