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This is the January 2020 issue of the library newsletter.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Treatment of adolescent heroin dependence: the end of an era.
Smyth, Bobby P and McCarney, G (2020) Treatment of adolescent heroin dependence: the end of an era.
Irish Medical Journal , 113 , (1) , p. 2.
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"Bursting the Lyrica bubble”: experiences of pregabalin use in individuals accessing opioid agonist
treatment in Dublin, Ireland.
Brennan, Rebekah and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2020) "Bursting the Lyrica bubble”: experiences of
pregabalin use in individuals accessing opioid agonist treatment in Dublin, Ireland. Heroin
Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online .
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Reducing harm, supporting recovery: a partnership and evidence-informed approach to developing the
new Irish health led, National Drug Strategy.
Comiskey, Catherine (2020) Reducing harm, supporting recovery: a partnership and evidence-informed
approach to developing the new Irish health led, National Drug Strategy. Harm Reduction Journal , 17
, (1) , p. 3.
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A senior management perspective on the policy debate of needle and syringe exchange program
provision in Irish prisons.
Rosalim, Jay P (2020) A senior management perspective on the policy debate of needle and syringe
exchange program provision in Irish prisons. Journal of Correctional Health Care , Early online , p.
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Would decriminalising personal use of cannabis lead to higher rates of mental illness?
BMJ. (2020) Would decriminalising personal use of cannabis lead to higher rates of mental illness?
BMJ , 368 .
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The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study 2018.
Kolto, Andras and Gavin, A and Molcho, Michal and Kelly, C and Walker, L and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse
(2020) The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study 2018. Dublin: Department of
Health and National University of Ireland, Galway.
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Counting the toll of smoking-attributable hospitalisations.
Sheridan, A and Quintyne, KI and Kavanagh, Pierce (2020) Counting the toll of smoking-attributable
hospitalisations. Irish Medical Journal , 113 , (1) , p. 8.
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Brief interventions targeting long-term benzodiazepine and Z-drug use in primary care: a systematic
review and meta-analysis.
Lynch, Tom and Ryan, Cristín and Hughes, Carmel M and Presseau, Justin and van Allen, Zachary M and
Bradley, Colin P and Cadogan, Cathal A (2020) Brief interventions targeting long-term benzodiazepine
and Z-drug use in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction , Early online .
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A national case fatality study of drugs taken in intentional overdose.
Daly, Caroline and Griffin, Eve and Corcoran, Paul and Webb, Roger T and Ashcroft, Darren M and
Perry, Ivan J and Arensman, Ella (2020) A national case fatality study of drugs taken in intentional
overdose. International Journal of Drug Policy , 76 , p. 102609.
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Aberrant reward prediction errors in young adult at-risk alcohol users.
Cao, Zhipeng and Bennett, Marc and O'Halloran, Laura and Pragulbickaite, Gabija and Flanagan, Luke
and McHugh, Louise and Whelan, Robert (2020) Aberrant reward prediction errors in young adult
at-risk alcohol users. Addiction Biology , e12873.
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Electronic cigarette use in pregnancy is not associated with low birth weight or preterm delivery
McDonnell, Brendan P and Bergin, Evan and Regan, Carmen (2019) Electronic cigarette use in pregnancy
is not associated with low birth weight or preterm delivery. In: SMFM 39th Annual Meeting–The
Pregnancy Meeting, 11-16 February 2019, Las Vegas.
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"We don’t really give a fiddlers about anything": the ambiguity, contradiction and fluidity of Irish
Darcy, Clay (2019) "We don’t really give a fiddlers about anything": the ambiguity, contradiction
and fluidity of Irish masculinities.". Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies , 19 , (1) , pp.
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Theory of change and logic model for an outreach programme for gay, bisexual and other men who have
sex with men.
Witzel, T Charles (2020) Theory of change and logic model for an outreach programme for gay,
bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Dublin: HSE Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy
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Drug-related and drug-misuse deaths 2008-2018.
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2020) Drug-related and drug-misuse deaths
2008-2018. Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.
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Removing the last billboard for the tobacco industry: Tobacco standardized packaging in Ireland.
Crosbie, Eric (2019) Removing the last billboard for the tobacco industry: Tobacco standardized
packaging in Ireland. Health Policy , 123 , (10) , pp. 932-935.
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Peer social network processes and adolescent health behaviors: A systematic review.
Montgomery, Shannon C and Donnelly, Michael and Bhatnagar, Prachi and Carlin, Angela and Kee, Frank
and Hunter, Ruth F (2020) Peer social network processes and adolescent health behaviors: A
systematic review. Preventive Medicine , 130 , p. 105900.
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Cannabis sativa.
Schilling, Susanne and Melzer, Rainer and McCabe, Paul F (2020) Cannabis sativa. Current Biology ,
30 , (1) , R8-R9.
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Inspectors report ABP-305215-19. [Applicant Merchants Quay Ireland (Homeless & Drug Services)].
Kane, Gillian (2019) Inspectors report ABP-305215-19. [Applicant Merchants Quay Ireland (Homeless &
Drug Services)]. Dublin: An Board Pleanala.
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Adolescents presenting with mental health crises.
Gadancheva, V and Barry, Helen and McNicholas, F (2019) Adolescents presenting with mental health
crises. Irish Medical Journal , 112 , (10) , p. 1020.
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Socio-demographic predictors of well-being in United Kingdom adolescents, and the impact of
well-being on a range of health-related outcomes.
McKay, Michael T and Andretta, James R and Cole, Jon C and Clarke, Mary (2019) Socio-demographic
predictors of well-being in United Kingdom adolescents, and the impact of well-being on a range of
health-related outcomes. Psychiatry Research , Early online , p. 112728.
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Provisional review of fatal collisions: January to 31 December 2019.
Road Safety Authority. (2020) Provisional review of fatal collisions: January to 31 December 2019.
Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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Health in Ireland- Key trends 2019.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) Health in Ireland- Key trends 2019. Dublin: Department of
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Evidence Resources
Monitoring and evaluating changes in cannabis policies insights from the Americas. Technical report.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2020) Monitoring and evaluating
changes in cannabis policies insights from the Americas. Technical report. Luxembourg: Publications
Office of the European Union. 76 p.
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The rise in non-fatal and fatal overdoses involving stimulants with and without opioids in the
United States.
Hoots, Brooke and Vivolo-Kantor, Alana and Seth, Puja . (2020) The rise in non-fatal and fatal
overdoses involving stimulants with and without opioids in the United States. Addiction, Early
online doi: 10.1111/add.14878
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Adolescent binge drinking disrupts normal trajectories of brain functional organization and
personality maturation.
Ruan, Hongtao et al. (2019) Adolescent binge drinking disrupts normal trajectories of brain
functional organization and personality maturation. NeuroImage. Clinical, 22 (101804) doi:
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Knocked back: failing to support people sleeping rough with drug and alcohol problems is costing
Weal, Rory . (2020) Knocked back: failing to support people sleeping rough with drug and alcohol
problems is costing lives. London: St Mungo's. 62 p.
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Risk of persistence and progression of use of 5 cannabis products after experimentation among
Barrington-Trimis, Jessica L et al. (2020) Risk of persistence and progression of use of 5 cannabis
products after experimentation among adolescents. JAMA Network Open, 3 (1)
10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.19792 <[link removed]>
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Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol evaluation. Sales-based consumption: a descriptive analysis
of one year post-MUP off-trade alcohol sales data.
Giles, Lucie and Robinson, Mark and Beeston, Clare . (2019) Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol
evaluation. Sales-based consumption: a descriptive analysis of one year post-MUP off-trade alcohol
sales data. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland. 47 p.
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Drug decriminalisation across the world.
TalkingDrugs. (2020) Drug decriminalisation across the world. Leads: Release.
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Policy brief 6: Effectiveness of interventions to reduce substance abuse.
White, Howard [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2020) Policy brief 6: Effectiveness of interventions
to reduce substance abuse. Oslo: Campbell Collaboration. 4 p.
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Canadian guidelines on opioid use disorder among older adults.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. (2019) Canadian guidelines on opioid use disorder
among older adults. Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. 40 p.
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Canadian guidelines on cannabis use disorder among older adults.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. (2019) Canadian guidelines on cannabis use disorder
among older adults. Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. 24 p.
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Canadian guidelines on benzodiazepine receptor agonist use disorder among older adults.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. (2019) Canadian guidelines on benzodiazepine receptor
agonist use disorder among older adults. Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. 26
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Canadian guidelines on alcohol use disorder among older adults.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. (2019) Canadian guidelines on alcohol use disorder
among older adults. Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. 28 p.
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An evaluation of regulatory regimes of medical cannabis: what lessons can be learned for the UK?
Schlag, Ann Katrin . (2020) An evaluation of regulatory regimes of medical cannabis: what lessons
can be learned for the UK? Med Cannabis Cannabinoids [link removed]
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Mental health outcomes associated with of the use of amphetamines: a systematic review and
McKetin, Rebecca et al. (2019) Mental health outcomes associated with of the use of amphetamines: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 16 81-97.
DOI:[link removed]
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Stimulant safe supply: a potential opportunity to respond to the overdose epidemic.
Fleming, Taylor and Barker, Allison and Ivsins, Andrew and Vakharia, Sheila and McNeil, Ryan .
(2020) Stimulant safe supply: a potential opportunity to respond to the overdose epidemic. Harm
Reduction Journal, 17 (6) 10.1186/s12954-019-0351-1
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Association between opioid analgesic therapy and initiation of buprenorphine management: an analysis
of prescription drug monitoring program data.
Alexandridis, Apostolos A et al. (2020) Association between opioid analgesic therapy and initiation
of buprenorphine management: an analysis of prescription drug monitoring program data. PLoS ONE, 15
(1 e0227350) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227350
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Problem gambling, associations with comorbid health conditions, substance use, and behavioural
addictions: opportunities for pathways to treatment.
Ford, Madison and Håkansson, Anders [PLOS One] . (2020) Problem gambling, associations with comorbid
health conditions, substance use, and behavioural addictions: opportunities for pathways to
treatment. PLoS ONE, 15 (1 e0227644) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227644
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Investigating the association between an offender’s sex and ethnicity and the sentence imposed at
the Crown Court for drug offences.
Sentencing Council. (2020) Investigating the association between an offender’s sex and ethnicity and
the sentence imposed at the Crown Court for drug offences. London: Sentencing Council. 19 p.
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Treatments for people who use anabolic androgenic steroids: a scoping review.
Bates, Geoff and Van Hout, Marie Claire and Teck, Joseph Tay Wee and McVeigh, Jim . (2019)
Treatments for people who use anabolic androgenic steroids: a scoping review. Harm Reduction
Journal, 16 (75)
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A contingency management intervention to reduce cannabis use and time to relapse in early psychosis:
Johnson, Sonia et al. (2019) A contingency management intervention to reduce cannabis use and time
to relapse in early psychosis: the CIRCLE RCT. National Institute for Health Research. Health
Technology Assessment, 23 (45)
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Smoking cessation. A report of the Surgeon General.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020) Smoking cessation. A report of the Surgeon
General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 700 p.
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Many ways forward. Stop smoking services and tobacco control work in English local authorities,
Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK. (2020) Many ways forward. Stop smoking services
and tobacco control work in English local authorities, 2019. London: Action on Smoking and Health
and Cancer Research UK. 31 p.
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Associations between vaping and relapse to smoking: preliminary findings from a longitudinal survey
in the UK.
Brose, Leonie S and Bowen, Julia and McNeill, Ann and Partos, Timea R . (2020) Associations between
vaping and relapse to smoking: preliminary findings from a longitudinal survey in the UK. Harm
Reduction Journal, 16 (76) 10.1186/s12954-019-0344-0
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148 people killed on Irish roads last year.
[breakingnews.ie] McGlynn, Michelle (31 Jan 2020)
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Is Portugal’s drug decriminalisation policy ‘too radical’ for Ireland?
[Extra.ie] Condon, Ali (29 Jan 2020)
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Implementation of gambling regulator crux of Fianna Fáil’s approach to issue being 'tackled'.
[Irish Examiner] Brennan, Cianan (29 Jan 2020)
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'Young people need education on the effects of cannabis'.
Health & Living. [Independent.ie] (27 Jan 2020)
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'If someone goes under, call 999': Addiction expert warns about GHB after more overdoses.
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (25 Jan 2020)
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Crossing the line: The heavy cost of taking cocaine.
[Independent.ie] Meaghar, John (25 Jan 2020)
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Blanchardstown taskforce highlights increasing numbers of children dealing drugs.
[thejournal.ie] Hennessy, Michelle (25 Jan 2020)
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'This is a national crisis' - Drogheda families speak ahead of protest against criminality and
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Jan 2020)
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Government must invest in 'day-to-day' local drug services - community group.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 Jan 2020)
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'Perfect storm' for cocaine leads to record hauls.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (21 Jan 2020)
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World Health Organisation: E-cigarettes are harmful to health and are not safe.
[The Telegraph] Knapton, Sarah (21 Jan 2020)
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Teens ‘budgeting for cocaine for their debs’.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (20 Jan 2020)
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Experts: Drugs industry exploits children.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Jan 2020)
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Universities see shift towards physical activity and wellbeing.
[Irish Times] Gleeson, Colin (14 Jan 2020)
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How to change your relationship with alcohol.
[irishhealth.com] Condon, Deborah (14 Jan 2020)
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Building of new centre for Cork children battling drug and alcohol addiction to get underway.
[Irish Examiner] O'Riordan, Sean (13 Jan 2020)
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Gardai ordered to turn heat on street-level drug dealers.
[The Sunday Times] Mooney, John (12 Jan 2020)
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Warning over sleeping aid pills sold in health stores that contain prescription hypnotic drugs.
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (11 Jan 2020)
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Rail staff seek help due to 1,000+ incidents.
[Irish Examiner] O'Neill, Kevin (11 Jan 2020)
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Most children who drink alcohol source it from their parents or home.
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (09 Jan 2020)
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Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study 2018 highlights the appalling reach of alcohol into
our children’s lives.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (09 Jan 2020)
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Wheatfield Prison tops list for drugs, weapons, and phones seizures.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (08 Jan 2020)
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Menthol cigarettes will be banned in Ireland from May.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (04 Jan 2020)
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'GHB is a killer, I know of eight men who died after taking it'.
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (04 Jan 2020)
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Council street crews called out hundreds of times to clean up discarded needles on Dublin streets.
[thejournal.ie] McCrave, Conor (04 Jan 2020)
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Any change to pub opening hours would need to be considered 'very, very carefully', says minister.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (03 Jan 2020)
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Brendan Courtney one of only two to write in support of first drugs injection facility.
[Irish Examiner] Deegan, Gordon (03 Jan 2020)
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The Irish Times view on road safety: Keeping the pressure on.
[Irish Times] (02 Jan 2020)
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