Hi John,
Happy Earth Day! At Ipas, we’re honoring this important day by talking about how vital it is to tackle climate change in ways that prioritize women’s rights and needs.
In so many recent climate disasters, women and girls have been the most impacted—and this includes their sexual and reproductive health. Yet philanthropic support is lagging: Only 0.01% of global funding goes to projects that focus on both climate and women’s rights.
We can and must change this. In places affected by climate disasters like Pakistan and southern Africa, Ipas is ensuring that response efforts include sexual and reproductive health care. And in places enduring the strain of repeated droughts or flooding, we’re supporting community-based organizations that help build climate resilience and improve reproductive health.
Want to do something?
You can learn more about our efforts in this new story: To solve the climate crisis, focus on women. And you can help us advance this crucial work with a donation today.