ALEC’s report shows that the policies that the Mississippi Center for Public Policy has successfully advanced are having a direct positive impact on our state.
Over the past couple of years, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy has had three major accomplishments. We played a key role in:
Cutting the state income tax to a flat 4 percent.
A universal occupational licensing law to remove red tape in the labor market.
Making the case for less government in Jackson, with a series of hard-hitting reports on reducing bureaucracy.
ALEC’s report proves that our free-market policies are working.
Following our successful “Axe the Tax” campaign, Mississippi now ranks 20th out of 50 states in terms of having the most favorable personal income tax regime. Interesting, ALEC’s report suggests we have the 14th best corporate income tax system.
Our universal occupational licensing reform has not only made it easier for folk from outside Mississippi to find work here. It has created momentum inside our state to remove some of the unnecessarily onerous red tape. For example, the legislature recent issued a report suggesting that we might be able to do away with the barber board.
Over the past few years, Mississippi has seen a reduction in the number of people on the public payroll. According to ALEC’s report, there are still 606 public employees per 10,000 people in our state. That might still be high, but it is lower than it used to be.
Looking at ALEC’s report, one thing really stands out; the southern US states are where the growth is.
All the southern US states, with the exception of Louisiana, are in the top half of the country in terms of economic outlook. At the bottom of the league table in terms of economic outlook are at California (45th), Illinois (46th) and New York (50th).
This is clear evidence that economic momentum in America is shifting from the historic hubs in the northeast, mid-west and west coast to the South. According to this new report, Mississippi is starting to become part of this southern success story!
What we have accomplished over the past few years has had an immediate impact – but it is not enough. Our mission is to ensure even lower taxes, further deregulation and smaller government for our state.
If we can continue to achieve further wins for liberty in Mississippi, our state will continue to become more competitive.