The FBI’s delay is part of a cover-up to keep the public from knowing about the dangers of transgenderism.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Nashville Official: School Shooter’s Manifesto Is ‘Astronomically Dangerous’
The FBI’s delay is part of a cover-up to keep the public from knowing about the dangers of transgenderism.

For months, trans terrroist Audrey Hale had been planning to commit mass murder at the Covenant School, according to Metro Nashville ...

Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”
And they are ugly as sin.

Climate change is the greatest political hoax in human history.

Each wind turbine embodies a whole lot of petrochemicals and fossil-fuel energy in direct contrast to the Democrats war on oil.

Related: Bald, ...

Ex-CIA Chief Confesses How He Got Spies to Write False Hunter Biden Laptop Letter to ‘Help Biden’
This very definition of a coup and election interference.

“It is apparent that the Biden campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing ...

Ratings for Left Wing Late Night Shows Collapsing, Ad Revenue Plummets By Millions 😂
Now that's funny.

But make no mistake, the more the left-fascists lose their grip, the more radical and  freedom-crushing policies will be imposed.

Ratings for Left Wing Late Night Shows Are Collapsing, Ad Rates Are Down by Millions

By ...

Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023
Some people point out that there are terrorist attacks every day, all year round. This is true, but they miss the point: the month of Ramadan is not an ordinary month, but a holy month. Ramadan is a special month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims are ...

Attorney General Merrick Garland Lied Under Oath
Merrick Garland lied under oath to congress and a whistleblower has proof.

Tucker Carlson: AG Garland | Hunter Biden IRS Investigation (Whistleblower) and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Double Standards


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