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New Dems Welcome Guests for Discussion on Immigration Policy
This week, New Dems welcomed Executive Director of the Immigration Hub Sergio Gonzalez, Partner & Managing Director of the Global Strategy Group Nick Gourevitch, Manager of Government Relations Maria Praeli, and Deputy Director of the Immigration Hub Kerri Talbot to our Weekly Member Lunch for a conversation on fixing our broken immigration system, investing in border security, and providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and other undocumented immigrants.
New Dems Hold Kickoff Meetings for Five Policy Task Forces
This week, our National Security, Affordable Housing, Climate Change and Clean Energy, Immigration and Border Security, & Healthcare, Substance Use, and Mental Health Task Forces held their kickoff meetings for the 118th Congress!
New Democrat Coalition Announces Full Membership for Policy Task Forces
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New Dems Defend Biden Administration's Support for American Solar Power
New Democrat Coalition Trade Task Force Chair Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) and Climate Change and Clean Energy Task Force Chair Scott Peters (CA-50) released a statement urging the Biden administration to continue to ensure a swift and orderly transition for the domestic solar industry. Solar energy is critical to lowering energy costs for families, creating American jobs, and facilitating the energy transition to combat climate change.
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New Dems Call on Biden Administration to Build on Actions to Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment
Leaders of the New Democrat Coalition Climate Change and Clean Energy Task Force sent a letter to the White House urging the Biden-Harris Administration to speed up efforts to accelerate clean energy deployment using Section 216(h) of the Federal Power Act. Section 216(h) enhances America’s clean energy abilities by increasing coordination on federal authorizations and environmental reviews to site more electric transmission lines.
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Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-03) met with local health care professionals, first responders, and law enforcement officials for her second summit regarding the growing threat of fentanyl–– the number one cause of overdose death in the United States. The group discussed the challenges health care workers face when caring for fentanyl-related overdose patients and how Davids can better support their work in Congress.
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Rep. Greg Landsman (OH-01) was joined by White House Senior Advisor Mitch Landrieu in Cincinnati as part of the Administration's Investing in America tour where they highlighted the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s delivery of $1,385,000,000 in federal funding for the Brent Spence Bridge replacement project.
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Rep. Eric Sorensen (IL-17) welcomed NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins to the Quad Cities to meet with students and emphasize the importance of science and education.
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Rep. Susan Wild (PA-07) convened White House, Treasury, and local officials in Carbon County, PA to highlight how the White House and Treasury Department's approval of Pennsylvania's $200M application for Capital Project Funds (CPF) to expand reliable, affordable, high-speed broadband to approximately 44,000 homes and businesses will impact communities in her district.
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I Flipped My Seat Blue. I Know Congress Can Pursue Bipartisan Goals.
Op-ed by New Dem Freshman Representative Nikki Budzinski (IL-13)
On November 8th, I became the first Democrat elected to represent my area of Illinois in nearly a decade. As I reach 100 days serving in Congress ([link removed]) , I've been reflecting on why I ran for office, my mission, and the work that Democratic freshmen have already accomplished so far.
I was able to flip my seat from red to blue because I ran a campaign focused on reaching across the aisle to find common-sense solutions to the issues facing working families. When I came to Congress, I was glad to find like-minded colleagues in the New Democrat Coalition ([link removed]) (New Dems), a caucus with nearly 100 center-left members who share a mission to break through the gridlock and get results for the American people.
New Dems are dedicated to working in good faith with our colleagues across the aisle. Our coalition members have already outlined ([link removed]) a comprehensive policy agenda and launched nine policy task forces focused on critical issues where there are opportunities for bipartisan agreement.
The New Dem policy task forces focus on climate change and clean energy; health care, substance use, and mental health; immigration and border security; the Farm Bill; and more. These issues are affecting Americans now, and they don't discriminate between party or ideology. If we work pragmatically together, I believe we can make progress.
I'm honored to serve on the New Dem leadership team as the Freshman Leadership Representative to elevate the voices of the 18 freshman members of our coalition. Through conversations with my new colleagues over the past few months, I've learned that we all share a commitment to finding common-sense solutions and actually delivering for our communities. From expanding economic opportunity to ensuring our nation's security, we believe there is room to make progress on critical issues while standing firm against attacks on our fundamental freedoms by extreme politicians.
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Wild’s Bipartisan Bill to Counter Chinese Cybersecurity Threats Passes House ([link removed])
Rep. Susan Wild’s (PA-07) bipartisan bill, H.R. 1149 ([link removed]) , passed the House with a resounding majority of 212 Republicans and 198 Democrats. The Countering Untrusted Telecommunications Abroad Act would investigate and respond to security vulnerabilities caused by Chinese telecommunications companies in U.S. embassies overseas and among U.S. collective defense allies.
Carbajal Introduces Bipartisan Bills to Protect U.S. Coastlines and Promote Ocean Health ([link removed])
Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) introduced two bipartisan bills aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change on U.S. coastlines, coastal communities, and oceans, as well as the wide range of communities and industries that rely on them. H.R. 2734 ([link removed]) , the Ocean Acidification Research Partnership Act, would authorize up to $5 million in research grants for studies on the effects of ocean acidification, a rapidly worsening climate threat that imperils U.S. fishing and tourism industries. H.R. 2735 ([link removed]) , the Coastal State Climate Preparedness Act, would provide grants to coastal states in order to help them plan and implement strategies to mitigate climate change, prepare for sea level rise and address other impacts.
McBath Reintroduces Bipartisan Legislation to Support Survivors of Domestic Violence ([link removed])
Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-07) reintroduced H.R. 2604 ([link removed]) , the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act (FVPSA). This bipartisan legislation would reauthorize and expand funding for programs focused on supporting survivors and preventing family and domestic violence. These programs are the only federal funding sources under the Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to providing domestic violence prevention services.
Ruiz, McBath Reintroduce Bipartisan Safe Step Act to Improve Patient Access to Treatments ([link removed])
Reps. Raul Ruiz, M.D. (CA-25) and Lucy McBath (GA-07) reintroduced H.R. 2630 ([link removed]) , the Safe Step Act, a bipartisan bill to make sure patients are able to safely and efficiently access the best treatment available to them by improving step therapy protocols.
Sewell Introduces Bipartisan Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) Screening Coverage Act ([link removed])
Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) introduced H.R. 2407 ([link removed]) , the Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) Screening Coverage Act, bipartisan legislation which would create a pathway for Medicare to cover emerging blood-based cancer screenings which hold the potential to catch cancer earlier than ever before.
Strickland Introduces Legislation To Help Small Businesses With COVID Disaster Loans ([link removed])
Rep. Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) introduced H.R. 2727 ([link removed]) , the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Relief Act, to delay interest accumulation on COVID disaster loans. Strickland’s bill would make the interest rate on the federal share of an eligible COVID-19 EIDL loan zero percent for eligible borrowers for 12 months. The delay in interest would provide relief for the small businesses hardest hit as they recover post-pandemic.
Trone Introduces Workforce Justice Act to 'Ban the Box' on Employment Applications Nationwide ([link removed])
Rep. David Trone (MD-06) reintroduced H.R. 2698 ([link removed]) , the Workforce Justice Act, to encourage states to ‘ban the box’ on employment applications nationwide and give previously incarcerated individuals a greater chance of gaining employment. In the United States, nearly 80 million people have an arrest or conviction record, and around 60% of them struggle with unemployment after release. Studies show that when hired, returning citizens have a significantly lower turnover rate than other employees and are far more likely to stay out of the criminal system than their unemployed peers. This effort will benefit our local economies and set up returning citizens for success.
New Dems Welcome Taiwan's Representative for Conversation on
U.S. - Taiwan Relations
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This week, New Dem National Security Task Force Chair Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) and Trade Task Force Chair Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) led our Member meeting with Taiwan’s Representative to the United States, Bi-khim Hsiao, to discuss the current state of U.S.-Taiwan relations, our shared commitment to democratic values, and ways to strengthen our economic and security partnership.
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