It's appalling.

Folks —

Republicans are continuing their radical agenda to make abortion illegal in our country. This time, targeting our veterans. On Wednesday, I spoke on the Senate Floor in opposition to Republican efforts to further limit abortion access for veterans — even in the case of rape or incest. 

Millions of veterans now live in states where abortion has been partially or completely banned. The VA allows for these veterans and their families to receive reproductive care in the case of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is at risk. Senate Republicans are attempting to reverse this rule.

Republicans' efforts to restrict reproductive health care are widely unpopular. That's another reason why I recently introduced the EACH Act, a bill that would end the Hyde Amendment, lifting restrictions to reproductive health care that impacts millions of Americans — especially those struggling to make ends meet, people of color, young people, and immigrants.

If you agree that we should protect the reproductive rights of our veterans and women nationwide, add your name and become a citizen co-sponsor of the EACH Act today:

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These harmful policies make it harder, if not impossible, for patients, including our veterans, to get access to an abortion. And recent data shows that 62 percent of voters support lifting federal abortion coverage restrictions.

That’s why I am working hard to pass the EACH Act in Congress and protect reproductive rights for ALL Americans. 

Friend, if you agree that every woman should have access to safe and legal abortion, become a citizen co-sponsor of the EACH Act today >>

Sign the Petition

Thank you for your support, team,
