Kevin McCarthy released his list of demands in exchange for not destroying the world economy through a forced default―and it’s the MAGA wishlist we expected.
He would slash funding across the board, forcing Social Security offices to close, in order to make sure that his wealthy donors can have an easier time cheating on their taxes. It’s extortion, plain and simple―and we need to stop it!
Tell your Representative: Stop Kevin McCarthy’s bad deal!
We’re partnering with some of our best allies to drive contacts into congressional offices between now and the planned vote next week. It’s easy to use, and just takes a few clicks to reach your Representative in the House. This is a fight we can win.
McCarthy shouldn’t get a single Democratic vote for his MAGA extortion scheme. But it’s a real question whether he’ll have enough Republicans to pass it on his own. 16 Republicans in the House have never voted to increase the debt ceiling.
So whether you live in a deep blue district, a deep red one, or somewhere in between, we need you with us!
Tell Congress: No economic extortion! Stop Kevin McCarthy’s bad deal!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan
Social Security Works