Dear friend,
Tomorrow is Earth Day, and we’ve got a fun way for you to take part:
Play our online match game featuring extraordinary stories of people adapting to climate change in Nepal — and share the game with your friends and family!
This game introduces you to families living along the Karnali River, one of the most important waterways in Asia.
Far from the smokestacks and freeways that pump greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, remote communities along this majestic river are experiencing massive disruptions to their lives and livelihoods due to climate change.
Our match game features some of the innovative solutions that these communities are developing in partnership with Mercy Corps, to overcome increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, new agricultural pests, the growing threat of landslides, and other climate-driven challenges.
This Earth Day, please take a few minutes to play while you learn and share the ways communities around the globe are adapting to the everyday impacts of climate change.
Use these buttons to share our game on Facebook or Twitter.
And thanks to generous support from our partner Cotopaxi, an outdoor gear company that dedicates a portion of revenue to nonprofits committed to lasting change, new players can unlock a $2 matching gift to Mercy Corps!
Wishing you a happy Earth Day,
The Mercy Corps team