The Hill: Can the government take more than it’s owed?


If you owe the government $100 in property taxes, should they be able to take thousands or even hundreds of thousands more than what you owe?

That’s the essence of Tyler v. Hennepin County, writes Duncan Schroeder, a case that PLF will argue before the Supreme Court on April 26 on behalf Geraldine Tyler, a 94-year-old grandmother who lives in Minnesota

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Minnesota county compares itself to feudal lord in Supreme Court brief


How does a government body defend itself when it’s caught stealing from its own people? Simple: It points out that 13th-century lords used to do the same thing!

Remarkably, that’s the crux of Hennepin County, Minnesota’s argument in its Supreme Court brief filed in PLF’s home equity case. Now Deborah La Fetra asks: Did Hennepin County forget about the American Revolution?

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A timeline of PLF’s fight to end home equity theft


Tyler’s challenge of state laws that empower local governments’ home equity takings marks PLF’s 19th appearance before the Supreme Court.

Brittany Hunter takes us back through time, describing how our fight to end home equity theft began—like all our work at PLF—with one individual who bravely stood up to the government when his rights were being violated

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