“The IRS Makes a Strange House Call on Matt Taibbi—An agent shows up at the home of the Twitter files journalist who testified before Congress”wsj.com/articles/irs-matt-taib
Alec Baldwin used to beg to play my life in a movie. With time, I believe Alec became a psycho, a very sick puppy. Check out the letter Alec wrote to me, many years ago. My new book, LETTERS TO TRUMP, comes out next week! An incredible collection of correspondence. Get your copy today:45books.com/.
A great group of supportive Florida Congressmen and Congresswomen, all who have Endorsed me, will be coming to Mar-a-Lago tonight. Our support is almost universal in Florida and throughout the USA. They remember fondly all of the incredible things I did while in office, one of the most successful Administrations in History. Will be a great night!
I was under the Presidential Records Act and acted correctly, far better than most Presidents, and MUCH better than Biden, who secretly stored boxes in Chinatown, and is not releasing 1,850 boxes stored in Delaware!